Güvenoğlu, ErdalTunalı, Volkan2024-07-122024-07-1220192147-31292147-3188https://search.trdizin.gov.tr/yayin/detay/379450https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12415/9501In this study, we analyzed undergraduate program preferences of students by using complex network analysistechniques. We collected program preferences data from the YokAtlas portal provided by the Council of HigherEducation using a web crawler we developed. We constructed a kind of co-occurrence network we called copreference network of 622 nodes and 6,136 edges from the collected raw data. We performed a comprehensiveexploratory complex network analysis on the co-preference network using Cytoscape and NodeXL tools. Usingseveral node centrality measures, we identified the most popular programs that students frequently preferredtogether with other programs. In addition, we observed the clusters of programs embedded in the network usingseveral network community detection methods. Finally, we performed a structure analysis to compare our networkto a corresponding random network, and we showed that our network had the common characteristic propertiesthat many real-world networks exhibit.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessComplex Network Analysis Approach to Examining Undergraduate Program PreferencesArticle18611763794508