Khabeishvili, Guranda2024-07-122024-07-122016Khabeishvili, G. (2016). The role of creativity in english as a foreign language classroom (EFL): why it matters in the knowledge society / İngilizcenin yabancı dil olarak öğretildiği bir sınıfta yaratıcılığın rolü ve bilgi toplumundaki önemi. Maltepe University International Education Student Congress 2016, Maltepe Üniversitesi. s. 31-33.978-975-6760-79-6 role of teachers in shaping students as the members of the knowledge society is largely undisputed. This paper sheds lights on the significance of integrating creativity in the classroom as it develops learners' creative thinking skills, which is valued in the 21st century. Creative teaching is crucial both in life and in teaching and learning a language as it enriches the quality ol life and of learning. Creativity is considered to be a powerful teaching tool which should be integrated into every aspect of our classroom practice and the aim of the paper is to introduce practical application of creativity into our teaching as well as to discuss its impacts on learners. lt is believed that the teachers are role models, hence preaching creativity occurs when the teachers practice it themselves through demonstrating to students the things they expect from students to do. The teachers should be open to a wide variety of processes. outputs and inputs and encourage divergent thinking through creating a creative classroom environment. Creativity stimulates learner self-esteem, motivation, confidence, self-awareness and engagement. lt is worth pointing out that every person and every language learner has different levels of creativity and the teachers should stimulate this potential in students. lt is an essential task for the teachers in today's modern language classroom to develop creative activities for students with the purpose of raising students' awareness of creativity and its importance both in their learning and life. Furthermore, the paper discusses the activities which could be applied in the language classroom in order to enhance creative thinking skills as well as research results carried out in Georgia. lt also outlines the importance of fostering creativity for the teachers in order to encourage their learners to be creative too.One way of promoting creativity is through a creative use of course books and adapting course books' activities, By implementing creative activities. the teachers stimulate personal growth and the development of society, as it puts emphasis on creative thinking which involves problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Therefore, creativity plays a crucial role in English as a Foreign Language Classroom [EFL]. and it is considered as an important part of the teaching job in modern society.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United Statesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessThe role of creativity in english as a foreign language classroom (EFL): why it matters in the knowledge societyİngilizcenin yabancı dil olarak öğretildiği bir sınıfta yaratıcılığın rolü ve bilgi toplumundaki önemiConference Object3331