Ashyralyyev, CharyyarAkyüz, Gulzipa2024-07-122024-07-122021Ashyralyyev, C. ve Akyüz, G. (2021). Stability estimates for a third order of accuracy difference scheme elliptic overdetermined multi-point problem. Fourth International Conference of Mathematical Sciences, Maltepe Üniversitesi. s. 1-6.978-0-7354-4078-4 this work, we discuss a third order of accuracy difference scheme for approximate solution of the elliptic overdetermined multi-point problem in the Hilbert space. Functional operator approach is used to study existence and uniqueness of solution of difference problem. Stability, almost coercive stability and coercive stability estimates for solution of difference scheme are established.enCC0 1.0 Universalinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessHigh order approximationdifference schemeselliptic problemsource identification problemmulti-pointstabilityStability estimates for a third order of accuracy difference scheme elliptic overdetermined multi-point problemConference Object61