Yıldırım, SerkanAkan, MithatGideroğlu, KaanAköz, Tayfun2024-07-122024-07-122002Yıldırım, S., Akan, M., Gideroğlu, K. ve Aköz, T. (2002). Distally-based neurofasciocutaneous flaps in electrical burns. Burns. 28(4), s. 379-385.0305-4179https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12415/3597Distally-based neurocutaneous flaps have been used successfully for reconstruction of the lower extremity for some decades. Thereconstruction of deep wounds exposing tendons, bones and/or vessels in electrical burns requires flap coverage. It is known that there isoften some sub-clinical vascular damage in electrical burn injury. Therefore, an important part of the procedure is modification to improveflap viability during the reconstruction of electrical burn wounds. In this paper, we report our experience with the use of distally-based suraland saphenous neurocutaneous flaps for coverage of defects in the lower leg and foot in 14 electrical burn patients. In 12 patients, the flapssurvived completely, in two patients the flaps underwent partial necrosis. In these cases, the width of the pedicle of the neurocutaneous flapwas increased from 3.5 to 5 cm and the neurovenous pedicle was decreased to give a delay effect several days before the flap harvesting.We believe that these modifications positively effect the viability of the flap and should be used to improve neurocutaneous flap circulationin high risk patients.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessDistally-based neurocutaneous flapsReconstruction of deep woundsElectrical burnsDistally-based neurofasciocutaneous flaps in electrical burnsArticle3854Q137928