Tetikoğlu, F. S. O.2024-07-122024-07-122009Tetikoğlu, F. S. O. (2009). Numerical solutions of NBSP for elliptic equations. Maltepe Üniversitesi. s. 160.9.78605E+12https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12415/2345In present paper joint with Prof. Allaberen Ashyralyev, Fatih University, we consider the Neumann Bitsadze Samarskii type problem for the multidimensional elliptic equation, with ? (x) , ? (x) ³ x ? ? ´ and f (t, x) (t ? (0, 1) , x ? ?) are smooth functions. Here ? is the unit open cube in the n-dimensional Euclidean space R n (0 < xk < 1, 1 ? k ? n) with boundary S, ? = ? ? S, ? is a large positive constant. We are interested in studying the stable difference schemes for the numerical solution of the nonlocal boundary value problem (1). The first and second orders of accuracy difference schemes are presented. A modified Gauss elimination method is used for solving these difference schemes for the two-dimensional elliptic differential equation. The method is supported by numerical examples.enCC0 1.0 Universalinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessNumerical solutions of NBSP for elliptic equationsConference Object161160