Idris, RumenshaTuzcu, Ayla2024-07-122024-07-122016Idris, R. ve Tuzcu, A. (2016). The experiences of an international student in a Nursing School in Turkey: a case report / Türkiye'de bir Hemşirelik Fakültesi'nde uluslararası bir öğrencinin deneyimi. Maltepe Üniversitesi, International Nursing Student Congress 2016. s. 26-28.978-975-6760-77-2 nursing as an international student in Turkey is not an easy job. Having to study in a foreign language and at the same time living in a foreign land is associated with difficulties. Being foreign students under scholarship. we are supposed to learn the Turkish language for 8 months in order to study in our chosen departments. After completing the language course, we start our lessons. The first year is always the toughest. Communicating is difficult due to the short period used learning the language. The lessons are taught in Turkish and understanding what is being taught is nerve wracking. We resought to using the internet as our guide and that is not enough as compared to Participating actively in class. The educational system in the nursing department is a bit hard. The theorical aspects, lab practicals, and clinicals are both tiring and time-consuming. The clinicals is the most stressful. The highest mark comes Irom this aspect. Having to blend with the locals at the hospital and at the same time applying the insufficient knowledge acquired from the theorical aspects is stressful. Due to this, the students are more into getting higher poin|s than actually acquiring knowledge. Excelling in examinations is very easy when you get a good mark in the midterm exams but the fact that we face language problems, reading and understanding the questions takes time and considering the exam duration, we lag behind.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United Statesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessThe experiences of an international student in a Nursing School in Turkey: a case reportTürkiye'de bir Hemşirelik Fakültesi'nde uluslararası bir öğrencinin deneyimiConference Object2826