Sezer, Sefa AnılÇanak, İbrahim2024-07-122024-07-122019Sezer, S. A. ve Çanak, İ. (2019). Sufficient tauberian conditions for the (N, p) summability of sequences. International Conference of Mathematical Sciences (ICMS 2019). s. 85.978-605-2124-29-1 is known that limn?? un = s implies limn?? ? (1) n,p(u) = s if and only if (1) is satisfied. However, the converse is not true in general. In this paper our aim is to find conditions under which the converse implication holds. Exactly, we prove under which conditions the convergence of a sequence follows from (N, p) summability.enCC0 1.0 Universalinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessTauberian theorem(N, p) summability methodTwo-sided conditionsSufficient tauberian conditions for the (N, p) summability of sequencesArticle8585