Irmak, NurdanKaradağ, Dilek2024-07-122024-07-122002Uluğ, M., Irmak, N. ve Karadağ, D. (2002). Studying the mental health and the stress areas of the mothers and siblings of the children with cp+. Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, Maltepe Üniversitesi. 1, s. 1-7.1303-3115 hypnothesis of research claims that there should be deterations in the feelings and the mental health of the mothers and siblings of the children with CP. At the first stage of the study carried out upon the hypnothesis. The depression levels of the mothers of 20 children with CP are determined by applying ZUNG Depression Scale. Accroding to the data obtained it is found that the %25 of the mothers are depressed at an average level. %30 slightly depressed and more than %50 are reqiring clinical treatment. At the second stage, 50 children (M=9 years old R=5-11) consisting 18 girls 32 boys who are siblings of spastic children, are measured with KAHN Stress Scale, and the results compared with a group of normal children selected by matching technique. According to the data obtained (ı teste), it was found that having a brother or a sister wit CP has its tremendous effects on these children. The child with a sister or brother with CP, continously gets less attention than his/her sibling with CP which has its negative effects on the child. Therefore in the center, our purpose is to apply supporting programmers for the mothers, families of the children with CP in general as well as their teachers and, to process the data gathered for their best benefit.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United Statesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessCerebral palsyMental healtyDepressionStressStudying the mental health and the stress areas of the mothers and siblings of the children with cp+Article711