Kelleci, M.Dogan, SelmaAta, Elvan E.Avci, DilekSabanciogullari, SelmaBasegmez, FilizIskey, Meral2024-07-122024-07-1220112149-374X This study aimed to examine the need for training among inpatients in a psychiatric clinic and their families on psychotropic drug use and to determine the drug compliance status after the patient's discharge from the hospital. Methods: The study was conducted at a psychiatric clinic of a university hospital. The respondents were 92 patients who were hospitalized from July 2008 to March 2009, who were willing to respond and who did not have any problems in comprehending or replying to the questions. The data were collected through a form covering details of the patients and their families. The form consisted of 56 questions regarding the patients' demographic details, drug therapies, and the views of the patients and their families about drug therapies and drugs. The data were collected face-to-face after the acute stage. The patients were contacted by telephone at one month and six months following their discharge from the hospital. Results: The patients were identified with the symptoms of bipolar affective disorder (31.5%), schizophrenia (26.1%), psychotic disorders (26.1%), paranoid disorders (5.4%), and psychotic depression (2.2%). It was discovered that 40.2% of the patients did not know their diagnosis, 12% did not think drugs were necessary, 17.4% did not know the names of their drugs, 23.9% did not know the dose of their drugs, 19.6% believed the drugs would cause addiction, 17.4% did not plan to use the drugs after being discharged from the hospital, and 64.1% did not know for how long they should continue taking the drugs. In the first monitoring by telephone, 70.6% of the patients said they used their drugs regularly. 39.1% of the patients were rehospitalized in the first six months after discharge due to not using the drugs regularly. In the second monitoring by telephone, 54.3% of those who were not re-hospitalized in the first six months stated that they used their drugs regularly. Conclusion: The results of this study indicate the need for training among patients on drug management. This training should not be limited to inhospital; there is a need for counseling at home after discharge from the hospital, and the current system remains inadequate.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessNursingDrug ManagementPsychiatric PatientPost-Discharge MonitoringIdeas Regarding Psychotropic Drug Use among Inpatients in a Psychiatry Clinic and after Their Discharge from the Hospital with Follow-Up by TelephoneArticle13531282WOS:000219383400005N/A