Uluçay, EkerAkan, MithatKadılar, VeyselAköz, Tayfun2024-07-122024-07-122005Eker, G., Akan, M., Kadılar, V. ve Aköz, T. (2005). Agresif fnfantil fibromatozis: olgu sunumu / Aggressive infantile fibromatosis. Türk Otolarengoloji Arşivi Dergisi. 43(1), s. 32-36.2667-7474https://www.turkarchotolaryngol.net/EN/march-2005-0043https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12415/4498Agresif infantil fibromatozis infantlarda ve çocukluk çağında fibroz tümörler arasında sık görülen, fibroproliferatif karakterli, agresif kokal invazyon gösteren, metastaz eğilimi bulunmayan, histolojik incelemesinde malignansi kriterleri taşımay ve yetersiz eksizce edildiği durumlarda yüksek lokal rekürrens riski gösteren tümördür.Aggressive infantile fibromatosis encountered in infants and in childhood is an aggressive, infiltrating, non-metastasizing disease characterized by a benign neoplastic histology and has a tendency to recur locally when not excised adequately. Because of local aggressiveness and a high rate of recurrence, wide local excision must be performed by careful dissection preserving major vital structures. The role of radiotherapy in aggressive infantile fibromatosis has not been established, but cases of tumor regression have been observed with chemotherapy.trCC0 1.0 Universalinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAgresif infantil fibromatozisRekürrensMetastazAgresif fnfantil fibromatozis: olgu sunumuAggressive infantile fibromatosisArticle3613243