Şengül, HacerArıca, Zelal2024-07-122024-07-122019Şengül, H., Arıca, Z. (2019). Lacunary A? statistical convergence and lacunary strong A? convergence of order ? with respect to a modulus. International Conference of Mathematical Sciences. s. 030037(1)-030037(4).978-0-7354-1816-5https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.5095122https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12415/2747In this paper, the definitions of lacunary strong A?convergence of order ? with respect to a modulus and lacunary A?statistical convergence of order ? were given by adding ? to the definitions of lacunary strong A?convergence with respect to a modulus and lacunary A?statistical convergence when A = (aik) is an infinite matrix of complex numbers and 0 < ? ? 1. We study some connections between lacunary strong A?convergence of order ? with respect to a modulus and lacunary A?statistical convergence of order ?.enCC0 1.0 Universalinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessSequencesSeriesSummabilityFunctional analysisLacunary A? statistical convergence and lacunary strong A? convergence of order ? with respect to a modulusArticle030037-4030037-1