Toprakoğlu, MertDilman, Hakan2024-07-122024-07-122017Toprakoğlu, M. ve Dilman, H. (2017). Elf awareness in English language education. International Journal of Language Academy. 5(18), s. 39-58.2342-0251 is not an easy process. It is by and large slow and painful. As English proves to be an efficient tool in the international arena, it is essential that the significance of ELF (English as a Lingua Franca) awareness be reconsidered with particular reference to language policy development, syllabus design, and teacher development. It is essentially the skill that L2 learners should acquire to adapt into diverse situations. When the students who learn English as a foreign language in Turkey are considered, it could be seen that the real problem is not the different pronunciations and the different usages of the words but the different varieties of English that they are not aware of. Mostly, L2 learners have a strong desire to speak like a native speaker thus neglect the different usages, dialects and cultural norms of other Englishes. In addition to all these, a strong initiative for an extensive ELF curriculum including the application methods and techniques has yet to be introduced. Language teaching activities are carried out by using either American or British based course books that contain few local elements such as pictures and dialogues sprinkled throughout the chapters for marketing purposes. Sociocultural, local, historical and international aspects of English are mainly neglected. Taking all these into consideration, this study focused on ELF awareness in EFL (English as a Foreign Language) context in terms of language policy development, syllabus design, and teacher development. For this purpose, the study aimed to investigate what Turkish EFL teachers understand about ELF and how ELF-aware they are by means of a crosssectional survey conducted with 19 participants. Semi-structured follow-up interviews were carried out with four instructors for the purpose of obtaining content analysis and thus bolstering the quantitative results to reach more precise conclusions pertaining to ELF awareness. On the whole, the results of the study revealed that although the transition from EFL teacher to ELF practitioner is not an easy task and clearly necessitates time and encouragement, making teachers aware of the ‘plurality of Englishes’ and the importance of multiculturalism proved to be valuable in encouraging them to revise their teaching practices within the new developments in English language teaching.enCC0 1.0 Universalinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessEnglish language educationEnglish as a lingua francaELF awarenessEnglish as a foreign languageElf awareness in English language educationArticle5818395