Biteker, MuratEkşi Duran, NilüferBiteker, FundaAyyıldız Civan, HasterGündüz, SabahattinGökdeniz, TayyarKaya, HasanÖzkan, Mehmet2024-07-122024-07-122009Biteker, M., Ekşi Duran, N., Biteker, F., Ayyıldız Civan, H., Gündüz, S., Gökdeniz, T., Kaya, H. ve Özkan, M. (2009). Offical Journal of The Turkish Society of Cardiology. 9(1), s. 59-60.2149-2271 the first report of acute myocardial infarction during a prolonged allergic reaction to penicillin was published in 1950 (1), the concurrence of allergic reactions and acute coronary syndromes called Kounis syndrome (KS) has gained acceptance as a new cause of coronary artery spasm (1-3). Kounis Syndrome was firstly described in 1991 as “the allergic angina syndrome” which could progress to acute myocardial infarction, which was named “allergic myocardial infarction” (2-4).enCC0 1.0 Universalinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessKounis syndrome: first series in Turkish patientsKounis sendromu: Türk hastalardaki ilk olgu serisiArticle601Q3599