İnce, F.2024-07-122024-07-1220030780381424978078038142110.1109/RAST.2003.13039602-s2.0-84945419921 Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA);IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society;IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society;Turkish Air Force AcademyInternational Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies, RAST 2003 -- 20 November 2003 through 22 November 2003 -- -- 114363Turkey is taking place for the first time in an EU Framework Program, i.e. FP6, which includes the Aerospace Component. That opens the way for facilitated Turkish participation in European R&D programs, in particular in the aerospace area.This paper is an assessment of how Turkey might take place in. joint European Mediterranean space projects. First a brief survey of space related activities in Turkey is given, which is then followed by application, technology and management oriented discussions. It is only natural that European Space Policy, FP6 and in particular the GMES and Galileo programs offer major guidelines for cooperation among the Euro-Mediterranean countries. Other guidelines are given together with recommendations on specific application areas and projects. © 2003 IEEE.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessAerospace ComponentsApplication AreaEuropean Space PolicyFramework ProgramGalileo ProgramsMediterranean CountriesSpace ProjectsTurkishsPossible Turkish participation in joint Euro-Med space projectsConference Object463N/A458