Güven, MehmetSüoğlu, YusufhanDemir, DenizEmin, HalukSunay, TayfunDemir, Deniz2024-07-122024-07-122005Güven, M., Süoğlu, Y., Demir, D., Emin, H. ve Sunay, T. (2005). Transoral microlaryngoscopic approach for schwannoma of the larynx / Larenks schwannomlu bir olguda transoral mikrolarengoskopik yaklaşım. Kulak Burun Boğaz İhtisas Dergisi, İstanbul Üniversitesi. 15(5), s. 121-124.2147-6756https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/trent/issue/66883/1045824https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12415/3414Neurogenous tumors of the larynx are extremely rare.We present a 66-year-old male patient who under- went surgical excision of schwannoma of the larynx, which originated from the left aryepiglottic fold.Excision of the mass was performed through an endolaryngeal approach suspension microlaryn- goscopy . İn the early postoperative period, the patient was breathing comfortably and his swallowing and phonation were normal. During a follow-up of three years, no evidence for recurrence was detected and he had no complaints of dysphagia, globus sensation, dyspnea on exertion, or cough.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessGlottis, laryngeal neoplasms/surgeryneurilemmoma/pathology/surgeryvocal cordsGlottis, larengeal neoplaziler/cerrahinörilemmoma/patoloji/cerrahivokal cordTransoral microlaryngoscopic approach for schwannoma of the larynxLarenks schwannomlu bir olguda transoral mikrolarengoskopik yaklaşımArticle124512115