Göğüş, Çağla GizemApak, SinanApak, Sinan2024-07-122024-07-122017Göğüş, Ç. G. ve Apak, S. (2017). A comparative analysis of innovation and sustainable growth measurement in hospitality industry. International Journal of Business and Social Science, Semantic Scholar. 8(6), s. 92-103.https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/A-Comparative-Analysis-of-Innovation-and-Growth-in-G%C3%B6%C4%9F%C3%BC%C5%9F/d76cca56d964135b5eb5c0a388db2a0ceb5c232chttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12415/3242The paper focuses on consideration of how to use nine performance factors to monitor innovation and sustainability in a relevant and useful manner in hotel and restaurant industry. Integrated information on sustainable development of a hotel or restaurant is very essential for decision-making since it is difficult to evaluate the performance of a company on the ground of too many success indicators. The objective of the work first was to design a model for obtaining composite sustainable development criteria for hotels and restaurants. Second¸ was to compare importance of defined sustainable growth and innovation measurement criteria for restaurants, chain and boutique hotels. Hence, study initially investigate terms of “innovation and sustainability” in the hospitality (service) industry concepts to present a conceptual framework and a comparative study. This was applied by determining the impact of individual factors to the overall sustainability of a company using the concept of F-TOPSIS method.enCC0 1.0 Universalinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessInnovation and sustainabilityHospitality industryHotel and restaurant businessTOPSISA comparative analysis of innovation and sustainable growth measurement in hospitality industryArticle1036928