Öncel, ÖztanDemirhan Erdemir, Ayşegül2024-07-122024-07-122003Öncel, Ö. ve Demirhan Erdemir, A. (2003). A Perspective to the Developments in the Turkish Dentistry in the Nineteenth Century. Journal of ISHIM. 2(3), s. 29-31.http://www.ishim.net/index.htmhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12415/3829Surgeons, some persons who applied minor surgery, barbers and midwifes made dentistry up to the nineteenth century in Turkey. Old Turkish people gave a great importance to the cleanliness of mouth. They used misvaq (a kind of tooth brush) in order to brush theis teeth. Many knowledge abouth dentistry can be seen in many Turkish medical manuscripts.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessHistory of dentistryTurkish dentistryHistory of medicineA perspective to the developments in the Turkish dentistry in the nineteenth centuryArticle313292