Cil, Dilek Arli2024-07-122024-07-1220120352-78752-s2.0-84874366500 people who live in modern ages, technology occupies a great place in our lives. In the way how we relate to technology, we regard it as a means to an end We use technology in the service of our needs. But we also blame technology for dissolving human relations and controlling our lives. My claim in this paper is that technology in itself cannot be hold responsible for this unwelcome scene alone. There is also the role of the way how we relate to technology. Therefore, we should question what technology is in itself regardless of its service. Heidegger in The Question Concerning Technology claims that technology cannot be understood instrumentally but as a mode of revealing. In this revealing the truth, in the sense of aletheia, happens. Thus, if we consider technology as a place where truth happens, we can reconstruct our relation to it.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccesstechnologytruthrevealingunconcealmentenframingMartin HeideggerThe Relation between Technology and Truth in Heidegger's The Question Concerning TechnologyReview891Q38127WOS:000313304400006N/A