Çakallı, HüseyinPatterson, Richard F.2024-07-122024-07-122016Çakallı, H. ve Patterson, R.F. (2016). Functions preserving slowly oscillating double sequences. Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Al I Cuza din Iasi - Matematica. 2(2), s. 531-536.1221-8421https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12415/1865A double sequence x = {xk,l} of points in R is slowly oscillating if for any given ? > 0, there exist ? = ?(?) > 0, ? = ?(?) > 0, and N = N(?) such that |xk,l - xs,t| < ? whenever k, l ? N(?) and k ? s ? (1 + ?)k, l ? t ? (1 + ?)l. We study continuity type properties of factorable double functions defined on a double subset A × A of R2 into R, and obtain interesting results related to uniform continuity, sequential continuity, and a newly introduced type of continuity of factorable double functions defined on a double subset A × A of R2 into R. © 2016, Universitatii Al.I.Cuza din Iasi. All rights reserved.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessContinuity and related questionsMatrix methodsMultiple sequences and seriesFunctions preserving slowly oscillating double sequencesArticle536F2Q45312