Mohammed, Arkan Jassim2024-07-122024-07-122019Mohammed, A. J. (2019). A new approach to find the multi-fractal dimension of multi-fuzzy fractal attractor sets based on the iterated function system. Third International Conference of Mathematical Sciences, Maltepe Üniversitesi. s. 1-4.978-0-7354-1930-8 nature, objects are not single fractal sets but are a collection of complex multiple fractals that characterise the multifractal space, a generalisation of fractal space. While fractal space includes a fractal set, a multi-fractal space includes the union of fractals. A fuzzy fractal space is a fuzzy metric space and is an approach for the construction, analysis, and approximation of sets and images that exhibit fractal characteristics. The finite Cartesian product of fuzzy fractal spaces is called the multi-fuzzy fractal space. We propose in this paper, a theoretical proof to define the multi-fractal dimensions FD of a multi- fuzzy fractal attractor of n objects for the self-similar fractals sets A = n i=1 Ai = (A1, A2,... An) of the contraction mapping W?? : n i=1 H(F(Xi)) ? n i=1 H(F(Xi)) with contractivity factor r = max{ri, i = 1, 2,... n} where H(F(Xi) is a fuzzy fractal space for each i = 1, 2,..., n ; over a complete metric space (n i=1 H(F(Xi)), D?) then for all Bi that belong toH(F(Xi)), there exists B? belonging to (n i=1 H(F(Xi)) such that W??(B? = n i=1 Bi) = n i=1 ( n j=1 k(i, j) k=1 ??k i j (Bj) = n i=1 Wi(B?)). By supposing that M (t) = k (r?k i j ) FD n×n is the matrix associated with the the contraction mapping ??k i j with contraction factor r?k i j , ?i, j = 1, 2,..., n, ?k = 1, 2, ..., k(i, j), for all t ? 0, and h (t) = det(M (t) ? I) . Then, we prove that if there exists a FD such that; h(FD) = 0, then FD is the multi fractal dimension for the multi fuzzy-fractal sets of IFS; and M(FD) has a fixed point in Rn.enCC0 1.0 Universalinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessFractal spacemulti-fuzzy fractal spaceIFSbox-counting dimensionfractal dimensionA new approach to find the multi-fractal dimension of multi-fuzzy fractal attractor sets based on the iterated function systemConference Object41