Açıkgöz, AhuEsenbel, Ferhat2024-07-122024-07-122019Açıkgöz, A., Esenbel, F. (2019). Neutrosophic soft ?-topology and neutrosophic soft compactness. International Conference of Mathematical Sciences (ICMS 2019). s. 10.978-605-2124-29-1https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12415/2093We introduce the concepts of neutrosophic soft ?-interior, neutrosophic soft quasicoincidence, neutrosophic soft q-neighborhood, neutrosophic regular open soft set,neurosophic soft ?-cluster point, neutrosophic soft ?-closure, neurosophic soft ?-cluster point, neutrosophic soft ?-closure, neutrosophic soft ?-neighborhood, neutrosophic semi open soft set and show that the set of all neutrosophic soft ?-open sets is also a neutrosophic soft topology, which is called the neutrosophic soft ?-topology. We obtain equivalent forms of neutrosophic soft ? -continuity. Moreover, the notions of neutrosophic soft ?-compactness and neutrosophic soft locally ?-compactness are defined and their basic properties under neutrosophic soft -continuous mappings are investigated.enCC0 1.0 Universalinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessNeutrosophic soft quasi-coincidenceNeutrosophic regular open soft setNeutrosophic ?-closed soft, neutrosophic semi open softNeutrosophic soft ?-topologyNeutrosophic soft ?-topology and neutrosophic soft compactnessArticle1010