Bilgiç, Mehmet İlkerKaraca, MustafaKaranfil, HüseyinAköz, Tayfun2024-07-122024-07-122008Bilgiç, M. İ., Karaca, M., Karanfil, H. ve Aköz, T. (2008). A rare but disturbing complication of rhinoplasty: rhinorrhea. The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. 19(5), s. 1433.1536-3732 after rhinoplasty is a rare but disturbing complication. During rhinoplasty, trauma to the septum with elongation of a fracture up to the cribriform plate may result in an osteomeningeal breach in the floor of the anterior cranial fossa. This complication can be treated conservatively, but surgical intervention is necessary in the case of persistent cerebrospinal fluid leakage.1 A 45-year-old woman was referred to as having problems of respiration by nasal airway and posterior nasal leakage. Two nasal surgeries were noted for her medical history. In her examination, there was a loss of inner osteocartilaginous framework of the nose and perforation in the anterior nasal septum. Computed tomography (CT) imaging obtained before tertiary operation showed the nasal septal perforation and deviation.enCC0 1.0 Universalinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessA rare but disturbing complication of rhinoplasty: rhinorrheaArticle14335Q2143319