Yıldız, AdnanGür, AycanCeylan, HasanCeylan, Hasan2024-07-122024-07-122006Yıldız, A., Gür, A. ve Ceylan, H. (2006). Adsorption of aniline, phenol, and chlorophenols on pure and modified bentonite. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry. 80(1), s. 172-176.1531-863Xhttps://link.springer.com/article/10.1134/S0036024406130279https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12415/1009In the present study, pure bentonite and bentonite modified by HNO 3 , EDTA, and HDTMA are adsorbents. The changes on the surfaces of bentonite samples are studied by IR spectroscopy. The adsorption of aniline, phenol, and phenol derivatives on these adsorbents is examined by means of gas chromatography. As the result of these examinations, it is seen that the adsorption capacities of clay–organic complexes (bentonite– EDTA and bentonite–HDTMA) are higher than those of bentonite-HNO 3 and pure bentonite.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAdsorption of aniline, phenol, and chlorophenols on pure and modified bentoniteArticleS1761Q4S17280