Akbas, Mine2024-07-122024-07-122021Akbas, M. (2021). A numerical study of a first order modular grad-div stabilization for the magnetohydrodynamics equations. Fourth International Conference of Mathematical Sciences, Maltepe Üniversitesi. s. 1-4.978-0-7354-4078-4https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/5.0042578https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12415/1942This paper proposes a stabilization method to approximate analytical solutions of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) equations. The method adds two modular grad-div steps into fully-discrete finite element MHD solver. The main idea in these intrusive steps is to penalize the divergence of the velocity/magnetic fields both in L2 and H1-norms. The paper confirms the optimal convergence of the method, and gives numerical experiments which reveal positive effect of the method as in the usual grad-div stabilizationenCC0 1.0 Universalinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessModular grad-divmixed finite element methodmagnetohydrodynamicsA numerical study of a first order modular grad-div stabilization for the magnetohydrodynamics equationsConference Object41