Boztosun, B.aydiner, OmerOlcay, Ayhan2024-07-122024-07-1220061016-51692-s2.0-39849102187 resonance imaging (MRI) is the most important and developed tool among the new methods of radiologic imaging. Radiofrequency waves used in MRI may interact with biomedical implants and assist devices. With recent developments in cardiology and increasing number of cardiologic devices implanted, MRI-related problems about safety and compatibility of these devices have emerged. The aim of this review was to discuss MRI-related issues and the studies conducted in patients with cardiovascular implants.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessElectromagnetic Fields/Adverse EffectsMagnetic Resonance Imaging/Adverse EffectsProstheses And Implants//ContraindicationsSafetyMagnetic resonance imaging in patients with cardiovascular implants and devicesReview Article1983Q419334WOS:000421483600008N/A