Gönlüşen, GülfilizZorludemir, SuzanCoşar, EdizKaya Selçuk, FaziletBurgut, Hüseyin RefikTuncer, İlhan2024-07-122024-07-121995Gönlüşen, G., Zorludemir, S., Coşar, E., Kaya Selçuk, F., Burgut, H. R. ve Tuncer, i. (1995). Accumulation of p53 protein in astrocytomas: immunohistochemical study using D07 MAb. Turkish Journal of Cancer. 25(4), s. 149-154.http://www.turkjcancer.org/text.php3?id=222https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12415/4422Accumulation of p53 protein was examined in tissue sections of 40 astrocytomas and compared with the histological grade of tumor, age and sex of the patients. lmmunohistochemical staining with monoclonal antibody (D07) was positive in 15.4% of grade II and 45% of grade lll-IV astrocytoma cases; whereas none of the pilocytic astrocytomas (grade I) were positive for p53. lmmunoreactivity showed a strong correlation with tumor grade. There was no significant difference between age and sex of p53 positive and negative cases.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessp53 proteinAstrocytomaAccumulation of p53 protein in astrocytomas: immunohistochemical study using D07 MAbArticle154414925