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Yayın Agresif fnfantil fibromatozis: olgu sunumu(Turkish Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Society, 2005) Uluçay, Eker; Akan, Mithat; Kadılar, Veysel; Aköz, TayfunAgresif infantil fibromatozis infantlarda ve çocukluk çağında fibroz tümörler arasında sık görülen, fibroproliferatif karakterli, agresif kokal invazyon gösteren, metastaz eğilimi bulunmayan, histolojik incelemesinde malignansi kriterleri taşımay ve yetersiz eksizce edildiği durumlarda yüksek lokal rekürrens riski gösteren tümördür.Yayın Alar transposition flap for stenosis of the nostril(Taylor and Francis Online, 2006) Aydoğdu, Eser; Akan, Mithat; Gideroğlu, Kaan; Aköz, TayfunWe present a technique that has successfully corrected severe bilateral nasal stenosis. It comprised an alar transposition flap. After a year’s follow up the patient was satisfied with the results. We recommend this technique for selective stenosis of the nostril.Yayın Anterior mandibula kırıklarının onarımında vida-tel kombinasyon tekniği(Turkish Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 2005) Akan, Mithat; Gideroğlu, Serkan; Aköz, TayfunAMAÇ Mandibula kırıkları sıkça karşılaşılan yüz yaralanmalarından biridir ve tedavileri özellik arz eder. Bu çalışmanın amacı basit ve yer değiştirmiş simfizis ve parasimfizis mandibula kırıklarının tedavisinde vida-tel osteosentez tekniğinin etkinliğini göstermektir. GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM Basit ve yer değiştirmiş simfizis ve parasimfizis mandibula kırıklarının tedavisinde 9 hastaya vida-tel kombine osteosentez tekniği kullanılarak onarım gerçekleştirildi. Ağız içinden girilerek kırık hatlarının her iki yanına, kırık hatlarından 5 mm uzaklıkta, kırık hattının her iki tarafına, ikisi altta ikisi üstte 4 adet vida yerleştirildi. Vidaların alttaki iki tanesi bikortikal, üstteki iki tanesi unikortikal olarak yerleştirildi. Vidaların telin etrafından geçebilmesi için vidalar tam sıkılmadı. Kırığın şekli, yeri, ihtiyacı ve kırık segmentleri arasındaki dikey eşitsizliğe göre değişik tiplerde vida tel ile kemik tespiti yapıldı. Tel(ler) vidaların etrafından geçirildikten sonra kırık hatlarını karşılıklı düzgün bir şekilde oturtacak şekilde sıkılaştırıldı. Vidalar 1-2 tur daha çevrilerek vida başlarının konik şekli sayesinde ek bir sıkılaştırılma sağlandı. Hastaların tamamına operasyon esnasında intermaksiller fiksasyon yapıldı ve 7 ila 10 gün intermaksiller fiksasyon uygulandı. BULGULAR Sekiz ay-3 yıl arasında değişen takiplerinde enfeksiyon, kaynamama , geç kaynama veya tel ile vidaların çıkartılmasını gerektiren şikayetlerle karşılaşılmadı.Yayın Anterolateral thigh flap in the treatment of postburn flexion contractures of the knee(American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 2003) Yıldırım, Serkan; Avcı, Gülden; Akan, Mithat; Mısırlıoğlu, Aykut; Aköz, TayfunThe use of the antrolateral thigh fasciocutaneous flap in the reconstruction of soft-tissue defects around the knee among burn patients is described. The anterolateral thigh fascioutaneous flap was used for eight patients (all male; mean age, 45 years; age range, 32 to 60 years).Yayın Can indications for lower limb replantation and revascularization be expanded with simultaneous free-flap transfer for limb salvage?(Thieme, 2004) Aköz, Tayfun; Yıldırım, Serkan; Akan, Mithat; Gideroğlu, Kaan; Avcı, Gülden; Çakır, BarışHigh-energy trauma from road accidents and work-related injuries is the most common cause of lower-limb traumatic amputations. Many of these cases require extensive debridement and substantial bone shortening for primary closure because of crushing and/or avulsion of the involved parts. Since 1998, the authors have replanted or revascularized five lower limbs in five patients. Free tissue transfers have been used to cover soft-tissue defects during replantation and revascularization in all patients. The numbers and kinds of free flaps include one latissimus dorsi muscle, two transverse rectus abdominis musculocutaneous (TRAM), and two anterolateral thigh fasciocutaneous flaps. Survival of the replanted and revascularized limbs and transferred flaps was obtained in four patients. Below-knee amputation was performed because of flap necrosis and extensive infection in one patient. Simultaneous free-tissue transfers may be used simultaneously with lower limb replantation or revascularization to obtain functional extremities in appropriately selected patients. The indications for lower limb salvage may be enhanced and successful results may be obtained in one stage, with low complication rates and shorter hospital stays. The authors report their experience with simultaneous free tissue transfers and lower limb replantation or revascularization.Yayın A case of merkel cell carcinoma with extension into the orbital cavity(American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 2001) Yıldırım, Serkan; Aköz, Tayfun; Yavuzer, Dilek; Akan, Mithat; Avcı, GüldenMerkel cell carcinoma or neuroendocrine carcinoma is a rare but frequently aggressive form of skin cancer. Initially described in 1972 by Toker as a “trabecular carcinoma of the skin,” this tumor was believed to derive from primitive sweat gland cells. 1 I n 1978, Tang and Toker 2 reported the findings of an ultrastructural study of 3 patients and postulated that the tumor was derived from the neural crest.Yayın Chondrogenic effect of the perichondrium graft on the internal derangementand osteoarthritis of the temporomandibular joint of the rabbit(Elsevier, 2011) Filinte Taylan, Gaye; Akan, Mithat; Bilgiç, Mehmet İlker; Aköz, TayfunInternal derangement of the temporomandibular joint is usually defined as the disruption of the condyleand disc relationship. In addition to this description the other elements of the joint including thecartilage surface, synovialfluid, the ligaments and the bony surface itself demonstrate varying degrees ofpathology in concordance with the stage of the internal derangement, as well.Thisstudyisdesignedtocreateanosteoarthriticmodelintherabbittemporomandibularjoint.A2 2mmdefectwasperformedon the cartilage surfaceof the both condylesof each animal (n¼30). The osteoarthriticchanges were demonstrated by computerised tomography sections. The right joints of the animals consti-tuted the control group and the left, the study group. At the time of the defect generation, a perichondriumgraft from the animal’s ear was implanted onto the defect in the study group. The control group was left toheal secondarily. The joints of three randomized groups of 10 animals for each were inspected at the 4th,6th,and 8th weeks.Cartilage regeneration and regression of the osteoarthritic changes were demonstrated in the studygroup both in the 6th and 8th week groups. However, the control group showed less cartilage regen-eration and progression of the osteoarthritic changes in all weeks, with progression with time.The perichondrium graft has demonstrated chondrogenic effect on the condyle and this in turnchanged the progression to internal derangement.Yayın Combination of different techniques for the treatment of earlobe keloids(Springer, 2002) Aköz, Tayfun; Gideroğlu, Kaan; Akan, MithatManagement of keloids is still controversial. Many different treatment modalities may be used for this purpose, however, no one method has been found completely successful. Therefore, we combined these techniques to improve therapeutic outcomes for earlobe keloids. Nine patients with earlobe keloids of a total number of 12 with auricular keloids were treated with a combined approach between 1995 and 2001. The keloids varied in size 2 × 1 to 5 × 3 cm and the patient age ranged 15–63 years. The patient group consisted of nine females, three males. Ear piercing was the main etiological factor for females. In the first session, surgical excision of the keloids was performed. It was followed with triamcinolone acetonide injection to the surgical field on the postoperative second week. Slight pressure was applied by silicone gel sheet coated earring for four months. No recurrence was noted in eight patients over longterm followup. One of nine patients had keloid recurrence. The authors found the results promising a combination of four techniques for treatment of ear lobe keloids is recommended even for recurrent lesions.Yayın Combined reconstruction of complex defects of the chest wall(Taylor and Francis Online, 2006) Akan, Mithat; Eker, Güniz; Kargı, Bülent; Yıldırım, Serkan; Aköz, TayfunDefects of the chest wall are often encountered, and good results can be obtained both cosmetically and functionally from their treatment. We treated 13 patients with full thickness chest wall defects. Follow up ranged from 12 days to 19 months. Three had had recurrent breast carcinoma, seven relapse after excision of a sarcoma, two had had lesions of the chest wall after irradiation, and one had a sternal fistula. Local skin, musculocutaneous and free latissimus dorsi and anterolateral thigh flaps were done to cover soft tissue. Fascia lata, polypropylene (Marlex†) mesh, and Marlex† mesh-methylmethacrylate sandwich prosthesis, were used to stabilise the skeleton in nine patients. Two of the patients died postoperatively, one early. The use of Marlex† mesh-methylmethacrylate sandwich prostheses for the stabilisation of the skeleton and local musculocutaneous flaps for covering soft tissues after resection of three or more ribs is effective.Yayın Complications of the reverse homodigital island flap in fingertip reconstruction(Wolters Kluwer Health, 2002) Yıldırım, Serkan; Avcı, Gülden; Akan, Mithat; Aköz, TayfunMany methods and modifications have been described for fingertip injuries.1–22 In addition, there are many methods for reconstructing the fingertip as a result of composite tissue loss and bone exposure. These kinds of injuries are challenging to hand surgeons.Yayın Composite anterolateral thigh–Fascia lata flap: a good alternative to radial forearm–palmaris longus flap for total lower lip reconstruction(American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 2006) Yıldırım, Serkan; Gideroğlu, Kaan; Aydoğdu, Eser; Avcı, Gülden; Akan, Mithat; Aköz, TayfunMajor defects of the lower lip are challenging to the reconstructive surgeon. The major goals in treating total lower lip defects are reconstruction of the external skin and mucosal lining and maintenance of oral competence and sphincter function. The authors describe reconstruction of total lower lip and larger full-thickness defects including the cheek and commissure by means of a composite anterolateral thigh–fascia lata free flap.Yayın Dev bazal hücreli karsinomlar: 12 olgunun analizi(Türk Plastik Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Derneği, 2007) Mısırlıoğlu, Aykut; Karanfil, Hüseyin; Akan, Mithat; Aköz, TayfunBazal hücreli kanserler derinin en sık görülen kanserleridir. Bu tür kanserler sıklıkla düşük dereceli malignite gösterseler de, özellikle büyük boyutlar söz konusu olduğunda daha saldırgan bir karakter gösterebilmektedirler. Dev bazal hücreli kanserler nadir görülmekle birlikte daha kötü klinik seyre sahip oldukları bilinse de, boyutlara bağlı tümörün seyri, gelişimlerindeki risk faktörleri, yaklaşım ve tedavi sonrası nüks etmeleri gibi birçok konu henüz tam olarak aydınlanmamıştır. Çalışmamız metastatik yayılımı olmayan 12 dev bazal hücreli kanserli hastadan oluşmaktadır. Lezyonlardan üçü skalpte, beş adedi yüzde, ikisi toraksta ve bir tanesi torako-lomber bölgelerde teşhis edildi. Bir olgu dışında tüm olgularda cerrahi tedavi uygulandı. Kanserlerde geniş rezeksiyonlardan sonra rekonstrüksiyon için anatomik bölgeye ve tümör boyutlarına bağlı olarak lokal veya uzak flepler ve deri greftleri kullanıldı. Hastalarda takip süresi yaklaşık 3 yıl olarak gerçekleşti. Çalışmamızda dev bazal hücreli kanserlerde lokalizasyonun tümör gelişiminde önemi, histolojik tipler ve tedavide karşılaşılan problemler gibi bazı tartışmalı konular ele alındı.Yayın Digital neurovascular compression due to a forgotten tourniquet(World Sicentific Connecting Great Minds, 2003) Avcı, Gülden; Akan, Mithat; Yıldırım, Serkan; Aköz, TayfunThe surgeon may, on occasion, wish to perform a relatively minor procedure on a single finger with some types of tourniquet at the base of the finger. A potential complication of a digital tourniquet is neurovascular damage due to excessive tissue pressure and prolonged application time. We presented a case where a hand surgery and digital tourniquet was forgotten on the finger for one and a half days. Although neurovascular compromise had occurred, the left index finger was successfully saved after extensive medical treatment and leech therapy.Yayın Distally-based neurofasciocutaneous flaps in electrical burns(Elsevier, 2002) Yıldırım, Serkan; Akan, Mithat; Gideroğlu, Kaan; Aköz, TayfunDistally-based neurocutaneous flaps have been used successfully for reconstruction of the lower extremity for some decades. Thereconstruction of deep wounds exposing tendons, bones and/or vessels in electrical burns requires flap coverage. It is known that there isoften some sub-clinical vascular damage in electrical burn injury. Therefore, an important part of the procedure is modification to improveflap viability during the reconstruction of electrical burn wounds. In this paper, we report our experience with the use of distally-based suraland saphenous neurocutaneous flaps for coverage of defects in the lower leg and foot in 14 electrical burn patients. In 12 patients, the flapssurvived completely, in two patients the flaps underwent partial necrosis. In these cases, the width of the pedicle of the neurocutaneous flapwas increased from 3.5 to 5 cm and the neurovenous pedicle was decreased to give a delay effect several days before the flap harvesting.We believe that these modifications positively effect the viability of the flap and should be used to improve neurocutaneous flap circulationin high risk patients.Yayın Easy perioperative photography by digital camera covered with a sterile nylon bag(American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 2005) Çakır, Barış; Akan, Mithat; Taylan, Gaye; Aköz, TayfunPlastic surgeons definitely require a reliable system of image generation in their specialty. Images are necessary not only to compare the preoperative and postoperative results but also to demonstrate perioperatively the techniques of the cases to other surgeons. There are many situations in plastic surgery for which accurate intraoperative documentation is essential.Yayın Effects of clopidogrel and high dose aspirin on survival of skin flaps in rats(Taylor and Francis Online, 2005) Akan, Mithat; Çakır, Barış; Mısırlıoğlu, Aykut; Yıldırım, Serkan; Taylan, Gaye; Aköz, TayfunClopidogrel is a new antiplatelet agent with a different mechanism of action from aspirin. It is a thienopyridine derivative that is chemically related to ticlopidine, which irreversibly inhibits platelet aggregation by selectively binding to adenylatecyclase-coupled adenosine diphosphate receptors on the platelet’s surface. Aspirin is an antiplatelet agent that acetylates cyclo-oxygenase and decreases the products of arachidonic acid metabolism, including thromboxane and prostacyclin. Necrosis of a flap is still an important complication in reconstructive surgery. To investigate the effects of clopidogrel or high dose aspirin on the survival of skin flaps, 30 rats were divided into three groups of 10 animals each: a control group, a clopidogrel group, and a high-dose aspirin group. No pharmacological agents were used in the control group. Of the two treated groups, the first was given clopidogrel 50 mg/kg/day and the second aspirin 200 mg/kg/day for three days before the operation. After seven days the viable areas of each flap were evaluated and the mean (SD) percentage in the control group was 47 (6), in the clopidogrel group 63 (4), and in the aspirin group 65 (5). Although the mean area of flaps that survived in the aspirin group was slightly higher than in the clopidogrel group, the difference was not significant.Yayın End-to-side anastomosis with ‘‘Open-Y’’ technique on small vessels to increase patency and facilitate anastomosis(Wolters Kluwer Health, 2009) Akan, Mithat; Çakır, Barış; Gideroğlu, KaanWe report a different type of microvascular end-to-side anastomosis using Bopen-Y[ technique to increase small recipient vessel size and provide eversion of the vessel ends in end-to-side anastomosis. The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of this technique with conventional end-to-side vessel anastomosis. Twenty rats were used to assess the open-Y technique in end-to-side anastomosis between carotid arteries and external jugular veins and another 20 rats constituted the control group in which conventional end-to-end anastomoses were performed. Statistically, the results at 1 hour and 2 weeks after the procedures favored the open-Y technique. When used in end-to-side anastomosis, the open-Y technique both provides eversion and increases the diameter of the vessel, which in turn ease the procedure and provide a higher rate of patency especially in vessels with a diameter of 0.5 mm.Yayın False median cleft: a rare facial anomaly(Wolters Kluwer Health, 2001) Akan, Mithat; Yıldırım, Serkan; Avcı, Gülden; Aköz, TayfunA false median or pseudomedian cleft lip may be considered an extreme variety of bilateral complete cleft lip from an embryological standpoint. 1 A false median cleft lip is usually associated with holoprosencephaly, hypotelorism, or hypertelorism, and is rarely an isolated defect. A 5-day-old male infant was referred by a pediatrician to our department for evaluation of facial cleft. The child’s delivery was normal, after full-term gestation. The infant’s birthweight was 2,800 g. His mother had had an uneventful pregnancy during which no drugs had been taken. Family history was unremarkable.Yayın Fasyal paralizi tedavisinde “mesh polipropilen” ile statik askılama(Türk Kulak Burun Boğaz ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi Vakfı, 2003) Aydoğdu, Eser; Akan, Mithat; Avcı, Gülden; Aköz, TayfunFasyal sinir paralizisi, kişilerde ağır kozmetik ve fonksiyonel deformitelere neden olabilen bir hastalıktır. Fasyal paralizide tedavi erken ve geç dönem olmak üzere iki şekilde yapılmaktadır. Geç dönem tedavide statik askılama, dinamik askılama, serbest kas transferi ve oral, oküler sfinkter rekonstrüksiyonu bulunmaktadır. Statik yöntemler içinde otolog ve sentetik materyallere askılama, yüz germe ve dermal fleplerle stabilizasyon yer almaktadır.Yayın Giant craniofacial immature teratoma with primary intracranial lesions(Wolters Kluwer Health, 2010) Karaca, Mustafa; Akan, Mithat; Silav, Gökalp; Aköz, TayfunTeratomas can occur in almost any region of the body and are the most common extragonadal germ cell childhood tumors. Immature teratomas in the head and neck region cause severe deformity and threat life because of several reasons. Imaging investigation (ultrasonography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging) is of outmost importance for the diagnosis and preoperative planning, considering that the total surgical resection of the teratoma constitutes the treatment of choice. Untreated teratomas have mortality rates of 80% to 100% . In this study, a giant craniofacial immature teratoma having both intracranial and extracranial primary lesions is reported. As a conclusion, intracranial primary lesions should be kept in mind in extracranial head and neck immature teratoma cases.