Kentleşme ve kentleşmenin kentsel yaşama etkisi (Sultanbeyli Örneği)
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Maltepe Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
Kent kavramı tarih süreci içerisinde anlam bakımından sürekli değişen bir kavram olması itibariyle dinamik bir kavramdır. Yaşam biçimleri birbirine benzemeyen insanların biraraya gelmesi ve yine kendilerinin oluşturdukları ortak kurallara uyması ile kentler meydana gelmiştir. Kentleri sadece bir mekân olarak görmek yetersiz kalacaktır. Kentleri incelerken mekân, nüfus, ekonomik, sosyolojik, siyasi, kültürel vb. bakımlardan da ele almak gerekmektedir. Bu bakımdan kent kavramına zamana ve ülkelere göre değişik anlamlar yüklenmiştir. Kentler, daha çok kırsal kesime ait olan tarımsal üretim yerine tarımsal olmayan üretime ağırlık veren toplumsal oluşumlardır. Kentleşme bir nüfus değişim süreci olarak ele alınmakta ve kırsal kesimin kentlere yerleşmesi olarak görülebilir. Kentleşme sürecinin özellikle sanayi devrimi sonrasında arttığını görmekteyiz. Sanayi devrimi sonrasında artan iş imkânları ve yaşam koşullarının daha elverişli olması sebebiyle kentleşmenin arttığı bilinmektedir. Kentlileşmenin ise kentlerdeki değişen davranış biçimlerine ve konulan ortak kurallar bütününe uyum süreci diyebiliriz. Bu tezde Kent, Kentleşme ve Kentlileşme kavramları tarihsel süreç içerisinde ele alınarak, günümüzde kentleşme ve geleceğin kentleri ile Sultanbeyli ilçesinin kentleşme süreci incelenecektir. Ayrıca kent, kentleşme ve kentlileşmenin kentsel yaşam üzerine etkisi ile birlikte Sultanbeyli ilçesinin kentleşme süreci bu çalışmanın amacını oluşturmaktadır.
The concept of the city is a dynamic concept for its being constantly changing in terms of meaning throughout the history. Cities came into being when people with different lifestyles came together and followed the common rules they created. It will be insufficient to see cities just as a place. While examining the cities, the terms like space, population, economic, sociological, political, cultural, etc. should also be taken into account. In this respect, the concept of the city has been attributed different meanings according to time and countries. Cities are social formations that focus on non-agricultural production rather than agricultural production, which is mostly rural. Urbanization is considered as a process of population change and can be seen as the settlement of rural areas in cities. We see that the urbanization process has increased especially after the industrial revolution. It is known that urbanization has increased due to increased job opportunities and more favorable living conditions after the industrial revolution. On the other hand, we can say that urbanization is the process of adaptation to the changing behavior patterns in the cities and the set of common rules. In this thesis, the concepts of City, Urbanization and Urbanization will be discussed in the historical process, and the urbanization process of today and the cities of the future and the urbanization process of the Sultanbeyli district will be examined. In addition, the urbanization process of the Sultanbeyli district, together with the city, urbanization and the effect of urbanization on urban life, constitute the purpose of this study.
The concept of the city is a dynamic concept for its being constantly changing in terms of meaning throughout the history. Cities came into being when people with different lifestyles came together and followed the common rules they created. It will be insufficient to see cities just as a place. While examining the cities, the terms like space, population, economic, sociological, political, cultural, etc. should also be taken into account. In this respect, the concept of the city has been attributed different meanings according to time and countries. Cities are social formations that focus on non-agricultural production rather than agricultural production, which is mostly rural. Urbanization is considered as a process of population change and can be seen as the settlement of rural areas in cities. We see that the urbanization process has increased especially after the industrial revolution. It is known that urbanization has increased due to increased job opportunities and more favorable living conditions after the industrial revolution. On the other hand, we can say that urbanization is the process of adaptation to the changing behavior patterns in the cities and the set of common rules. In this thesis, the concepts of City, Urbanization and Urbanization will be discussed in the historical process, and the urbanization process of today and the cities of the future and the urbanization process of the Sultanbeyli district will be examined. In addition, the urbanization process of the Sultanbeyli district, together with the city, urbanization and the effect of urbanization on urban life, constitute the purpose of this study.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kent, Kentleşme, Kentlileşme, City, Urbanization
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Kubilay, M. (2022). Kentleşme ve kentleşmenin kentsel yaşama etkisi (Sultanbeyli örneği) / The effect of urbanization and urbanization on urban life: the case of Sultanbeyli (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi). Maltepe Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, İstanbul.