Sosyal yapının tüketim ilişkilerine etkisi
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T.C. Maltepe Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
İhtiyaç, iktisat biliminin muğlâk kavramlarındandır. Modern kapitalist sistemin kitlesel üretiminin devamlılığı kitlesel tüketime dayanmaktadır. "Tüketim toplumu" olarak nitelendirilen bu yeni toplum yapısında ihtiyaçların manipülasyonu ve "tükettirme" çabası önemli olgular olarak hayatımızda yer almaktadır. Bu çalışmada sosyal yapının unsurları olan ekonomik, sosyal, kültürel ve teknolojik belirleyicilerle tüketimin yönlendirildiği, yeni düzende yabancılaşan ve şeyleşen bireylerin bu manipülasyona ne şekilde açık hale geldiği konusu ele alınmaktadır. Ayrıca kredilendirme ve kredi kartı kullanımı gibi ödeme araçlarıyla tüketimin kolaylaşması ve artması konusu irdelenmektedir. Çalışmada kuramsal temel, bir niteliksel çalışma metodu olan, odak grup görüşmeleriyle derinlemesine ele alınmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda özellikle sosyal ve ekonomik belirleyicilerin tüketimin yönlendirilmesinde oldukça etkili olduğu görülmüştür. Küreselleşmenin etkisiyle kültürel belirleyicilerin tüketim üzerinde etkisinin azaldığı gözlemi çalışmanın diğer bir çıktısıdır. Ekonomik sistemin mübadele aracı olan kredilendirme ve kredi kartıyla ödeme yöntemlerinin, "yalancı alım gücü" oluşturduğu ve tüketimin artışında önemli etkilere sahip olduğu görülmüştür. Netice itibariyle yapısal belirlenimin, kapitalist sistemin gerektirdiği şekilde, ihtiyaçları manipüle ettiği ve tüketimi arttırdığı; diğer bir ifadeyle tüketim konusunda, kişisel karar mekanizmalarını ve özgür seçim yetisini zayıflattığı görülmüştür.
"Need" is an ambigious concept of Economics. The continuity of the mass production of the modern capitalist system is based on mass consumption. The manipulation of needs and the effort to make individuals "consume" in this new society, which is described as a "consumer society", is an important event in our lives. In this study, it is discussed how consumption is guided by economic, social, cultural and technological determinants which are the elements of social structure and how this manipulation becomes more bare to the alienated and reified individuals at the new system. It also discusses the facilitation and enhancement of consumption by means of payment methods such as loaning (credit facilities) and credit card use. The theoretical basis in the study is tackled with in depth by focus group interviews, which is a qualitative study method. It is seen that the social and economic determinants are particularly effective in manipulation of consumption in the result of the study. The observation that the impact of cultural influence on consumption has diminished under the influence of globalization is another output of the study. It is seen that the means of exchange of the economical system, credit facility and credit card payment methods, constitute "delusive purchasing power" and have significant effects on the increase of consumption. As a result, the structural determination has been seen to manipulate the needs and increase consumption as the capitalist system requires; in other words, it has been seen that this result weakens personal decision-making mechanism and the free will of indivuals on consumption.
"Need" is an ambigious concept of Economics. The continuity of the mass production of the modern capitalist system is based on mass consumption. The manipulation of needs and the effort to make individuals "consume" in this new society, which is described as a "consumer society", is an important event in our lives. In this study, it is discussed how consumption is guided by economic, social, cultural and technological determinants which are the elements of social structure and how this manipulation becomes more bare to the alienated and reified individuals at the new system. It also discusses the facilitation and enhancement of consumption by means of payment methods such as loaning (credit facilities) and credit card use. The theoretical basis in the study is tackled with in depth by focus group interviews, which is a qualitative study method. It is seen that the social and economic determinants are particularly effective in manipulation of consumption in the result of the study. The observation that the impact of cultural influence on consumption has diminished under the influence of globalization is another output of the study. It is seen that the means of exchange of the economical system, credit facility and credit card payment methods, constitute "delusive purchasing power" and have significant effects on the increase of consumption. As a result, the structural determination has been seen to manipulate the needs and increase consumption as the capitalist system requires; in other words, it has been seen that this result weakens personal decision-making mechanism and the free will of indivuals on consumption.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Tüketim, Yapısalcılık, Yabancılaşma, Şeyleşme, Kredi, Consumption, Structuralism, Alienation, Reification, Credit
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Sarukaya, K. (2018). Sosyal yapının tüketim ilişkilerine etkisi / The effect of social structure on consumption relations. (Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Maltepe Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İstanbul.