Midenin kötü differansiye medüller karsinomu: Olgu sunumu / Poorly differenciated medullary carcinoma of the stomach; Case report
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Maltepe Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
Mide'nin medüller karsinomu morfolojik açıdan kötü farklılaşma gösteren mide karsinomları arasında incelenmesine karşın biyolojik davranışı midenin iyi farklılaşma gösteren karsinomlarına benzeyen nadir görülen bir tümördür. Olgumuz 82 yaşında erkek hastadır. Endoskopik biyopsisi intestinal tip adenokarsinom tanısı almıştır. Subtotal gastrektomi spesmeninde antrumda posterior duvar, küçük kurvatur yerleşimli 6.5 cm çapta ülseroinfiltratif tümör saptanmıştır. Histopatolojik incelemede kalın trabeküler yapılar oluşturan lenfositten iri, yer yer belirgin nükleollü, sitoplâzmaları net olarak seçilemeyen, monomorfik, atipik hücrelerin oluşturduğu tümör izlenmiştir. Olgu mide medüller karsinomunun nadir görülmesi ve endoskopik biyopsilerde tanı güçlüğü oluşturması nedeniyle sunulmuştur.
Medullary carcinoma of the stomach is a rare tumor with an appearance similar to a poorly differentiated carcinoma but its behavior is similar to well differentiated gastric carcinoma. Our case is 82 years old male patient. Endoscopic biopsy was reported as an intestinal type adenocarcinoma. In the subtotal gastrectomy specimen at the posterior wall of the antrum and small curvature localizations an ulceroinfi ltrative tumor with 6.5 cm diameter in size was found. Histopathological examinations showed that the tumor composed of thicker trabecular structure. The tumor cells were monomorphic with atypical appearance having bigger lymphocytes, indistinct cytoplasm and partially distinct nucleolus. Case was presented because of medullary carcinoma of the stomach is a rare tumor and endoscopic biopsies constitute diagnostic difficulty.
Medullary carcinoma of the stomach is a rare tumor with an appearance similar to a poorly differentiated carcinoma but its behavior is similar to well differentiated gastric carcinoma. Our case is 82 years old male patient. Endoscopic biopsy was reported as an intestinal type adenocarcinoma. In the subtotal gastrectomy specimen at the posterior wall of the antrum and small curvature localizations an ulceroinfi ltrative tumor with 6.5 cm diameter in size was found. Histopathological examinations showed that the tumor composed of thicker trabecular structure. The tumor cells were monomorphic with atypical appearance having bigger lymphocytes, indistinct cytoplasm and partially distinct nucleolus. Case was presented because of medullary carcinoma of the stomach is a rare tumor and endoscopic biopsies constitute diagnostic difficulty.
Anahtar Kelimeler
mide, medüller karsinom, diffüz tip, stomach, medullary carcinoma, diffuse type
Maltepe Tıp Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Midi, A., Ataizi Çelikel, Ç. ve Tanay Eren, F. (2010). Midenin kötü differansiye medüller karsinomu: Olgu sunumu / Poorly differenciated medullary carcinoma of the stomach; Case report. Maltepe Tıp Dergisi. 2(1), s. 27-30.