İş hukukunda arabuluculuk anlaşma belgesi hukuki mahiyeti ve geçersizliği
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T.C. Maltepe Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Alternatif çözüm yöntemlerinden alan arabuluculuk kavramı ülkemizde de uygulama alanı bulmuş ve uyuşmazlıkların çözümünde etkili yöntemlerden olmuştur. Çalışmamızda dava yoluna alternatif oluşturan arabuluculuk kavramından, gelişiminden ve ülkemizde uygulama şeklinden bahsedilmektedir. Arabuluculuk kavramı niteliği gereği uyuşmazlık çözümüne ilişkin alternatif seçenek olduğu halde ülkemizde iş hukukunun bazı alanlarında zorunlu seçenek haline getirilmiştir. Bu uygulama ile yargının iş yükü azaltılmak istenmiştir. Çalışmamızda iş hukukunun hangi alanlarında arabuluculuk sürecinin zorunlu olduğu, bu sürece ilişkin arabulucu ve tarafların rolü, arabuluculuk sürecinin nasıl gerçekleştiği açıklanmıştır. Arabuluculuk süreci sonucunda düzenlenen tutanakların mahiyeti açıklanmıştır. Arabuluculuk anlaşma belgesinin yasal düzenleme ile ilam niteliğine haiz belge özelliği kazanmıştır. Anlaşma belgesinin hukuki niteliği bu konudaki görüşlere yer verilerek irdelenmiştir. Son olarak anlaşma belgesinin geçersizlik hallerinden bahsedilerek uygulamada en çok karşılaşılan anlaşma belgesinin iptali davalarına yer verilmiş ve iptal edilebilirlik nedenleri açıklanmıştır.
The concept of mediation, which is one of the alternative solution methods, has also found application in our country and has become one of the effective methods in resolving disputes. In our study, the concept of mediation, which is an alternative to litigation, its development and the way it is implemented in our country is mentioned. Although the concept of mediation is, by its nature, an alternative option for dispute resolution, it has become a mandatory option in some areas of labor law in our country. This practice aims to reduce the workload of the judiciary. In our study, it is explained in which areas of labor law the mediation process is mandatory, the role of the mediator and the parties in this process, and how the mediation process takes place. The nature of the minutes prepared as a result of the mediation process has been explained. With the legal regulation, the mediation agreement document has gained the feature of being a document that has the quality of a decision. The legal nature of the agreement document has been examined by including opinions on this subject.Finally, by mentioning the invalidity of the agreement document, the most common cases of cancellation of the agreement document in practice are included and the reasons for its reversibility are explained.
The concept of mediation, which is one of the alternative solution methods, has also found application in our country and has become one of the effective methods in resolving disputes. In our study, the concept of mediation, which is an alternative to litigation, its development and the way it is implemented in our country is mentioned. Although the concept of mediation is, by its nature, an alternative option for dispute resolution, it has become a mandatory option in some areas of labor law in our country. This practice aims to reduce the workload of the judiciary. In our study, it is explained in which areas of labor law the mediation process is mandatory, the role of the mediator and the parties in this process, and how the mediation process takes place. The nature of the minutes prepared as a result of the mediation process has been explained. With the legal regulation, the mediation agreement document has gained the feature of being a document that has the quality of a decision. The legal nature of the agreement document has been examined by including opinions on this subject.Finally, by mentioning the invalidity of the agreement document, the most common cases of cancellation of the agreement document in practice are included and the reasons for its reversibility are explained.
Anahtar Kelimeler
İş hukukunda zorunlu arabuluculuk, Anlaşma belgesi, Hukuki mahiyeti, Geçersizlik ve iptal edilebilirlik halleri, Mandatory mediation in labor law, Agreement document, Legal nature, Invalidity and cancellability situations
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Pamuk, E. (2023). İş hukukunda arabuluculuk anlaşma belgesi hukuki mahiyeti ve geçersizliği / Legal connection and invalidity of mediation agreement document in labor law. (Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Maltepe Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, İstanbul.