Yeni mezun öğretmenlerin iş bulma tecrübelerinin kişisel mesleki ve ekonomik açıdan incelenmesi

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T.C. Maltepe Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü

Erişim Hakkı


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Öğretmenlerin mezun olduktan sonra atanamama, iş bulamama ve zor şartlarda mücadele etme, enerjilerini boşa harcama ve eğitim fakültelerinden mezun olduktan sonra iş hayatına adapte olamama süreci, bu tezin çalışımasında etkili olmuştur. Bu araştırmada ülkemizde gittikçe artan işsiz öğretmen adaylarının devletin kadro yetersizliğinden ötürü yaşadıkları kişisel, ekonomik, mesleki sıkıntılara değinilmiştir. Eğitim fakültelerinden, Fen Edebiyat fakültelerinden ya da Açıköğretim fakültelerinden her yıl binlerce öğretmen adayı mezun olmakta ve bu mesleği icra etmeye çalışmaktadır. Dört yıllık ya da beş yıllık eğitimin sonunda öğretmen yetiştirmek için açılan Eğitim fakültelerinden mezun olan öğretmenler, ne yazık ki devlet kadrolarına yerleştirilememektedir. Mezun sayısının ihtiyaçtan fazla olması, çok sayıda Eğitim fakültesinin varlığı ve bu fakültelere her yıl binlerce öğretmen adayının kayıt yapması, Fen Edebiyat fakültelerinin varlığı ve buradaki öğrencilerin aynı eğitimi almasına rağmen aynı müfredat takip edilmesine rağmen öğretmen olamaması, aynı zamanda ülkemizdeki bilimsel alanda çalışma alanlarının yetersizliğinden Fen Edebiyat fakültesi mezunlarının araştırmacı da olamaması, işsiz öğretmen sayısını arttırmıştır. Fen-Edebiyat fakültesi öğrencileri formasyon hakkını geri istemiş formasyon almaya başlamış ayrıca Açıköğretim fakültelerinde Edebiyat, Felsefe gibi branşlar açılmış, bu branşlardan mezun olan adaylar, dışarıda herhangi bir üniversiteden formasyon alarak öğretmenlik yapma hakkını elde etmişlerdir. Fakat, binlerce mezunun yığıldığı ve müthiş bir yarışın içinde olan öğretmen adaylarının iş bulma ve atanma süreci iyice zorlaşmıştır. Devlette öğretmenlik yapmak isteyen adaylar, ÖSYM'nin hazırladığı Genel Kültür, Genel Yetenek, Eğitim Bilimleri ve Öğretmenlik Alan Bilgisi gibi 3 aşamadan oluşan sınavları kazanmak ve iyi bir sıralama yakalamak zorundadır. Bu sıralamada başarılı olan öğretmen adayları mülakata alınmakta ve uygun şartlar yerine getirildiğinde sözleşmeli öğretmen olarak atanabilmektedir. Bu zorlu yolcuğu geçemeyen öğretmen adayları, iş arama sürecine başlamakta ya da bir taraftan KPSS yolculuğuna işsiz olarak devam etmektedirler. Kaybedilen seneleri ve işsiz kalan öğretmenlerin yaşamındaki sıkıntıları nitel değerlendirme olarak aktardığım bu çalışmada, aslında ülkemizde bu alandaki ihtiyaca da değinilmek istenmiştir. Bu araştırmada, İstanbul Kadıköy ve Maltepe ilçesinde KPSS'ye hazırlanmak üzere KPSS dersanelerine giden, üç dört yıldır mezun olmasına rağmen henüz iş bulamamış ya da geçici işlerde çalışmış 20 öğretmen adayı ile yüz yüze görüşmeler yapılmış, izin veren adaylarla ses ve görüntü kaydı alınarak veriler oluşturulmuş, böylelikle yeni mezun öğretmen adaylarının yaşadıkları kişisel, ekonomik ve mesleki sıkıntılara ilk ağızdan ulaşılmaya çalışılmıştır.
The main reason drove me to make this research was the problems that newly graduated teachers had such as lack of job opportunities, being not assigned in their major fields or the struggles and adaptation problems they are facing with even if they had the job. In this thesis; personal, professional and economic problems which are caused by the lack of available positions in state jobs will be mentioned. Thousands of new candidates graduate from Education or Science-Literature departments and they are trying to do their job. However, after years of education in related departments; unfortunately they can not do the job they are specially trined for. Main reason is that there is a large number of candidates for quite limited number of available positions and this situation causes a massive increase in the number of unemployed teachers. There are many education departments in numerous colleges and they keep having the same or even more amount of freshman students each year. Besides, there are Science-Literature students who are having almost same education and reobtained their initial teacher training rights back. Despite all of these theye even have less chance to be a teacher and they are not likely ti have assitant tutoring title in college for same reason. Moreover, Literature and Philosophy branches ara available for distance education from now on. The students graduated from these branches can attend to any college to have initial teacher training and in the end they are becoming another candidate for a job which is already highly demanded by many people. However, job seeking and being assigned is not as easy as it is thought because of the raise in the number of competitors. The candidates who want to have a job in a state school have ro achieve a high rank in the OSYM exam which is testing candidates in many different majors such like general culture, basic skills and educational science. Even after having successful results on this exam they have to complete a face to face job interview for being assigned. Teachers who do not pass this challenging journey,start the jop search process or continue their journey to Kpss without any jop.In this thesis ,which I described as a gualitative assessment of the lost years and the difficulties in the life of the unemployed teachers,the necessity in this field has been mentioned in our country.In this thesis,face-to-face interviews were made with 20 pre-service teachers who wentto Kpss schools to prepare for Kpss in Istanbul Kadıköy and Maltepe district.Thus,the personal,ecnomic and Professional problems exprienced by the new graduate teachers were tried to be reached from the first hand. Keywords : New Graduate Teachers, Unemployment, KPSS, Not assignable,Teacher Qualification. ABSTRACT PERSONAL, PROFESSIONAL AND ECONOMIC INVESTIGATION OF NEWLY GRADUATED TEACHERS JOB SEEKING EXPERIENCE Canan ŞİMŞEK Master Thesis Divison of Educational Siences, Educational Management Programme Thesis Advisor: Dr. Şahin ÇETİN Maltepe University, Graduate School of Social Sciences, 2019 The main reason drove me to make this research was the problems that newly graduated teachers had such as lack of job opportunities, being not assigned in their major fields or the struggles and adaptation problems they are facing with even if they had the job. In this thesis; personal, professional and economic problems which are caused by the lack of available positions in state jobs will be mentioned. Thousands of new candidates graduate from Education or Science-Literature departments and they are trying to do their job. However, after years of education in related departments; unfortunately they can not do the job they are specially trined for. Main reason is that there is a large number of candidates for quite limited number of available positions and this situation causes a massive increase in the number of unemployed teachers. There are many education departments in numerous colleges and they keep having the same or even more amount of freshman students each year. Besides, there are Science-Literature students who are having almost same education and reobtained their initial teacher training rights back. Despite all of these theye even have less chance to be a teacher and they are not likely ti have assitant tutoring title in college for same reason. Moreover, Literature and Philosophy branches ara available for distance education from now on. The students graduated from these branches can attend to any college to have initial teacher training and in the end they are becoming another candidate for a job which is already highly demanded by many people. However, job seeking and being assigned is not as easy as it is thought because of the raise in the number of competitors. The candidates who want to have a job in a state school have ro achieve a high rank in the OSYM exam which is testing candidates in many different majors such like general culture, basic skills and educational science. Even after having successful results on this exam they have to complete a face to face job interview for being assigned. Teachers who do not pass this challenging journey,start the jop search process or continue their journey to Kpss without any jop.In this thesis ,which I described as a gualitative assessment of the lost years and the difficulties in the life of the unemployed teachers,the necessity in this field has been mentioned in our country.In this thesis,face-to-face interviews were made with 20 pre-service teachers who wentto Kpss schools to prepare for Kpss in Istanbul Kadıköy and Maltepe district.Thus,the personal,ecnomic and Professional problems exprienced by the new graduate teachers were tried to be reached from the first hand.


Anahtar Kelimeler

Yeni mezun öğretmenler, İşsizlik, KPSS, Atanamama, Öğretmen yeterliliği, New graduate teachers, Unemployment, KPSS, Not assignable, Teacher qualification


WoS Q Değeri

Scopus Q Değeri




Şimşek, C. (2019). Yeni mezun öğretmenlerin iş bulma tecrübelerinin kişisel mesleki ve ekonomik açıdan incelenmesi / Personal, professional and economic investigation of newly graduated teachers job seeking experience. (Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Maltepe Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İstanbul.