Dostluk (philia) nedir ?
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Maltepe Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
CC0 1.0 Universal
Dostluk, felsefenin ortaya çıktığı ilk andan günümüze değin devletin konumlanışında, insan ilişkilerinde, edebi ve sanatsal eserlerde kendisine yer bulan bir kavramdır. Bu alanlarda dostluk kavramı, dost/düşman-(philia/ekhthros) antagonizmasından hareketle değil, daha çok dostluğun bizzat kendisinin ne olduğundan hareketle ele alınmıştır. Günümüzde bireyselleşen modern insanın en büyük problemlerinden bir tanesi dostluk kuramama problemidir. İş yerlerinde, evlerinde, özel hayatlarında hep rekabet halinde olan günümüz insanı dostluğun gerektirdiği kuralları sağlamakta zorlandığı için tek başına bir yaşamı tercih etmektedir. Peki, dostluk yalnız kalmaya tercih edilecek kadar olumsuz bir durum mudur? Dost olmak, dost bulmak zor bir iş midir? Kimdir bu dost, düşman olmayan mı? Silah arkadaşı mı, komşu mu, iş arkadaşı mı, kardeş ya da akraba mı, sevgili mi, yurttaş mı? Dahası dostluğun kuralları var mıdır? Belli başlı davranış kalıplarını ya da pratikleri içerir mi? Bu sorulardan hareketle yola çıktığımız bu çalışma “dostluk” kavramının ne olduğunu, kaynağını, varlığını ve kurallarını nelerin oluşturduğunu ele almayı amaçlamaktadır.
Friendship is a concept that reveals itself in the literary and artistic works, human relations, and positioning of the state from the moment emergence philosophy emergence to today. In these areas, the concept of friendship is discussed not based on antagonism of friend/enemy (philia/ekhthros), but with reference to what friendship itself means. Today, one of the biggest problems of individualized modern people is failing to establish friendships. Since modern people, who are competitive in work places, homes and even in their private lives, are having difficulties to meet the rules required by friendships, they prefer to live alone. Is it a negative condition that loneliness can be preferred to it?? Is it difficult to find friends and establish friendships? Who can be called as a friend, is it the one who is not enemy? Is he the fellow soldier, neighbor, colleague, brother/sister, relative, lover or citizens? Furthermore does friendship have any rules to obey? Does it contain certain behavior patterns or practices? Based on these questions in this study, we have tried to address these questions in order to discuss the concept of “friendship”, its sources, existence and rules.
Friendship is a concept that reveals itself in the literary and artistic works, human relations, and positioning of the state from the moment emergence philosophy emergence to today. In these areas, the concept of friendship is discussed not based on antagonism of friend/enemy (philia/ekhthros), but with reference to what friendship itself means. Today, one of the biggest problems of individualized modern people is failing to establish friendships. Since modern people, who are competitive in work places, homes and even in their private lives, are having difficulties to meet the rules required by friendships, they prefer to live alone. Is it a negative condition that loneliness can be preferred to it?? Is it difficult to find friends and establish friendships? Who can be called as a friend, is it the one who is not enemy? Is he the fellow soldier, neighbor, colleague, brother/sister, relative, lover or citizens? Furthermore does friendship have any rules to obey? Does it contain certain behavior patterns or practices? Based on these questions in this study, we have tried to address these questions in order to discuss the concept of “friendship”, its sources, existence and rules.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Dostluk, iyilik, sevgi(philia), erdem, Friendship, goodness, philia, virtue
Maltepe Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Kiriş Yılmaz, N. (2016). Dostluk (philia) nedir ? / What is friendship (philia)?. Maltepe Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi. s. 64-91.