Suriyeli sığınmacıların gündelik hayattaki zorluklarla baş etme stratejileri: İstanbul Sultanbeyli örneği / Strategies for Syrian refugees to cope with the difficulties in daily life: The case of Istanbul Sultanbeyli
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Maltepe Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Suriyelilerin Türkiye’ye göçü 9 Nisan 2011’de akşam vakti 252 kişilik bir grubun sığınma talebiyle tel örgüleri aşarak Hatay Yayladağ’a giriş yapmalarıyla başlamıştır. Göçün 13. yılında Suriyelilerin Türkiye’deki varlığı geçici koruma kapsamında olsa da, bu statü artık sürdürülebilir değildir. Suriye’de 13 yıldır devam eden iç savaş ve bölgedeki belirsizlik, Suriyelilerin aileleriyle birlikte Türkiye’de bir düzen kurdukları göz önüne alındığında Suriyelilerin artık Türkiye’ye yerleştikleri ve kalıcı hale geldikleri açıktır. Bu bağlamda araştırma nesnesi olarak Türkiye’deki statüleri, gündelik hayatları, toplumsal etkileşimleri ve entegrasyonlarının incelenmesi önemlidir. Bu çalışmanın konusunu Türkiye’deki Suriyeliler oluşturmaktadır. Suriyelilerin gündelik hayat zorlukları ve bu zorluklarla baş etme stratejilerini anlamak, sosyolojik perspektifte ele almak amacıyla yola çıkılan çalışmada; yaklaşım etnometodolojik yaklaşım, yöntemsel olarak nitel araştırma yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada derinlemesine mülakat, katılımcı gözlem, doküman incelemesi olmak üzere üç nitel araştırma tekniği kullanılmıştır. Saha çalışması İstanbul’un Sultanbeyli ilçesinde yaşayan 15 kadın 14 erkek olmak üzere 29 Suriyeli sığınmacı ile yarı-yapılandırılmış görüşme formundan yararlanılarak yüz yüze derinlemesine mülakatlarla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Veriler, nitel veri analiz tekniklerinden olan ‘’tema analizi’’ ve “betimsel analiz” ile değerlendirilmiştir. Elde edilen veriler ışığında Suriyeli sığınmacıların gündelik hayat zorlukları ve bu zorluklarla baş etme stratejileri; dil sorunu, ekonomik zorluklar, barınma sorunları, ön yargı ve stereotipler, ayrımcılık ve sosyal dışlanma, kamusal alan sorunu olmak üzere altı başlık altında analiz edilmiştir. Araştırmanın sonuçlarına göre katılımcıların gündelik hayatlarındaki zorlukların temeli Türkiye’deki yasal statüleri ve ayrımcılığa dayanmaktadır. Gündelik hayat zorlukları karşısında geliştirilen stratejiler incelendiğinde ‘’boyun eğme’’, ‘’sessiz kalma’’, ‘’ödün verme’’, ‘’toplumsal izolasyon’’, ‘’kimliğini gizleme’’ gibi çaresizlikle şekillenen stratejiler ön plana çıkmıştır.
The migration of Syrians to Turkey started on 9 April 2011, when a group of 252 people entered Hatay Yayladağ in the evening in order to seek asylum. In the 13th year of migration, Syrian's presence in Turkey is under temporary protection, but this status is no longer sustainable. Considering the civil war that has been going on in Syria for 13 years, the uncertainty in the region and the order that Syrians and their families have established in Turkey, it is clear that Syrians have settled in Turkey and have become permanent. In this context, it is important to analyse their status, daily lives, social interactions and integration in Turkey. The subject of this study is Syrians in Turkey. In the study, which set out to understand the daily life difficulties of Syrians, their coping strategies with these difficulties and to address them in a sociological perspective; ethnomethodological approach and qualitative research method were used as methodological approach. Three qualitative research techniques were used in the study: in-depth interview, participant observation and document analysis. The field study was carried out by conducting face-to-face in-depth interviews with 29 Syrian refugees, 15 women and 14 men, living in Sultanbeyli in Istanbul, using a semi-structured interview form. The data were evaluated by thematic analysis and descriptive analysis from qualitative data analysis techniques. In the light of the data obtained, the daily life difficulties of Syrian refugees and their coping strategies with these difficulties were analysed under six titles: language problem, economic difficulties, housing problems, prejudice and stereotypes, discrimination and social exclusion, public space problem. According to the results of the research, the difficulties in the daily lives of the participants are based on their legal status in Turkey and discrimination. When the strategies developed in the face of daily life difficulties are analysed, strategies shaped by helplessness such as ‘submission’, ‘keeping silent’, ‘compromise’, ‘social isolation’, ‘hiding Syrian identity’ come to the fore.
The migration of Syrians to Turkey started on 9 April 2011, when a group of 252 people entered Hatay Yayladağ in the evening in order to seek asylum. In the 13th year of migration, Syrian's presence in Turkey is under temporary protection, but this status is no longer sustainable. Considering the civil war that has been going on in Syria for 13 years, the uncertainty in the region and the order that Syrians and their families have established in Turkey, it is clear that Syrians have settled in Turkey and have become permanent. In this context, it is important to analyse their status, daily lives, social interactions and integration in Turkey. The subject of this study is Syrians in Turkey. In the study, which set out to understand the daily life difficulties of Syrians, their coping strategies with these difficulties and to address them in a sociological perspective; ethnomethodological approach and qualitative research method were used as methodological approach. Three qualitative research techniques were used in the study: in-depth interview, participant observation and document analysis. The field study was carried out by conducting face-to-face in-depth interviews with 29 Syrian refugees, 15 women and 14 men, living in Sultanbeyli in Istanbul, using a semi-structured interview form. The data were evaluated by thematic analysis and descriptive analysis from qualitative data analysis techniques. In the light of the data obtained, the daily life difficulties of Syrian refugees and their coping strategies with these difficulties were analysed under six titles: language problem, economic difficulties, housing problems, prejudice and stereotypes, discrimination and social exclusion, public space problem. According to the results of the research, the difficulties in the daily lives of the participants are based on their legal status in Turkey and discrimination. When the strategies developed in the face of daily life difficulties are analysed, strategies shaped by helplessness such as ‘submission’, ‘keeping silent’, ‘compromise’, ‘social isolation’, ‘hiding Syrian identity’ come to the fore.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Suriyeli sığınmacılar, Gündelik hayat, Gündelik hayat stratejileri, Sembolik etkileşimcilik, Syrian refugees, Daily life, Daily life strategies, Symbolic interactionism
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Tevetoğlu, A. (2024). Suriyeli sığınmacıların gündelik hayattaki zorluklarla baş etme stratejileri: İstanbul Sultanbeyli örneği / Strategies for Syrian refugees to cope with the difficulties in daily life: The case of Istanbul Sultanbeyli. (Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Maltepe Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, İstanbul.