Tüketim kültürü ve farkındalık üzerine sosyolojik bir araştırma: Ümraniye örneği
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Maltepe Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
Günümüzün en önemli tartışma konularından biri küreselleşmedir. Küreselleşmeyi insanoğlunun geldiği en ileri aşama olarak görüp destekleyenler olduğu gibi olumsuz sonuçlarına odaklanıp karşı çıkanlar da vardır. Bu tartışma küreselleşmenin siyasi, ekonomi ve kültürel boyutlarında yoğunlaşarak devam etmektedir. Küreselleşmenin kültürel boyutundaki tartışmalar ise en az siyasi ve ekonomik boyutları kadar dikkat çekmektedir. Küreselleşmeye rağmen yerel kültürlerin özlerini koruduğunu savunanların yanında, yeni ’melez‘ bir kültürün ortaya çıktığını savunanlar da vardır. Bu alanda üçüncü görüş ise gittikçe kültürlerin küreselleşme nedeniyle dünyanın her tarafında benzerlikler oluşturduğunu iddia eder. Fakat bu benzerliklerin kültürel, ekonomik ve siyasal sistemin dünyanın rantını elinde tutan hakim güçler lehine oluştuğunu savunurlar. Üçüncü görüşü savunanların meşhur kavramları “kültürel emperyalizm”, “küresel kapitalizm”, “batılılaşma”, “Amerikanlaşma”, “McDonaldlaşma” gibi kavramlardır. Tanımımız ve savunduğumuz görüş ne olursa olsun Küreselleşmenin Max Weber’in “rasyonelleşme” kavramı üzerine yükseldiği söylenebilir. Küreselleşme ile akılcı sistemler yaygınlaşıyor ekonomik, siyasal ve kültürel bütün alanları adeta istila ediyor. Gittikçe rasyonel hale gelen sistemler beraberinde irrasyonel sonuçlar üreterek yine Weber’in deyimi ile bireyi adeta “demir bir kafese” hapsediyor. Akılcı sistemler birçok avantajı beraberinde getirmekle birlikte toplumsal alanın neredeyse tamamının akılcı sistemlerden oluşan bir ağa dönüşmesi bireyleri özgürlüklerinin kısıtlandığı bir çıkmaza doğru sürüklediği düşünülmektedir. Bireyin üretimde harcadığı zamandan geri kalanı tüketimde harcaması da bu çıkmazlardan biridir. Bu çalışma küreselleşme sürecinin tüketim kültürüne yönelik etkilerini ve toplumun bu bağlamdaki farkındalığını ölçmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Alan araştırması İstanbul ilini demografik özellikleri itibariyle temsil kabiliyeti yüksek olduğu düşünülen Ümraniye ilçesindeki Meydan İstanbul Alışveriş Merkezinde yapılmıştır. Araştırmada nicel veri toplama teknikleri kullanılmış olup betimsel türdedir. Oluşturulan veri toplama aracı 423 kişiye uygulanmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemi, alışveriş merkezlerini ziyaret eden ve araştırmaya katılma konusunda istekli ziyaretçiler arasından tesadüfî şekilde seçilerek belirlenmiştir. Toplanan veriler SPSS 23.0 istatistik programı ile değerlendirilmiştir. Katılımcıların küreselleşme sürecinin tüketim kültürüne yönelik farkındalık düzeyi ile alışveriş merkezlerinin akıldışı etkilerinden uzaklaşma oranı arasında pozitif korelasyon olduğu ve farkındalık düzeyi arttıkça alışveriş merkezlerinin akıldışı etkilerinden uzaklaşma oranının arttığı çıkarımı araştırmayla ulaşılan en genel sonuçtur.
One of the most important topics of discussion today is globalization. While there are those who see globalization as the most advanced stage of humankind and support it, there are also those who focus on its negative consequences and oppose it. This debate continues by focusing on the political, economic and cultural dimensions of globalization. The debates on the cultural dimension of globalization draw attention at least as much as its political and economic dimensions. While there are those who argue that local cultures have preserved their essence despite globalization, there are also those who argue that a new "hybrid" culture has emerged. The third view in this area argues that increasingly cultures create similarities all over the world due to globalization. However, they argue that these similarities are formed in favor of the dominant powers that hold the world's rent in the cultural, economic and political system. The famous concepts of the advocates of the third view are concepts such as "cultural imperialism", "global capitalism", "westernization", "Americanization", "McDonaldization". Regardless of our definition and the view we advocate, it can be said that Globalization rises on Max Weber's concept of 'rationalization'. With globalization, rational systems are becoming widespread and almost invading all economic, political and cultural areas. Increasingly rational systems produce irrational results and, in Weber's words, imprison the individual in an 'iron cage'. Although rational systems bring many advantages, it is thought that the transformation of almost the entire social sphere into a network of rational systems drags individuals towards a dead end where their freedoms are restricted. One of these deadlocks is that the individual spends the rest of the time he spends in production on consumption. This study aims to measure the effects of the globalization process on consumption culture and the awareness of the society in this context. The field research was carried out in Meydan Istanbul Shopping Center in Ümraniye district, which is thought to have a high ability to represent Istanbul in terms of demographic characteristics. Quantitative data collection techniques were used in the research and it is descriptive in nature. The created data collection tool was applied to 423 people. The sample of the research was determined randomly among the visitors who visited the shopping malls and were willing to participate in the research. The collected data were evaluated with SPSS 23 statistical program. The most general conclusion reached by the research is that there is a positive correlation between the awareness level of the participants towards the consumption culture of the globalization process and the rate of moving away from the irrational effects of shopping malls, and that as the level of awareness increases, the rate of alienation from the irrational effects of shopping centers increases.
One of the most important topics of discussion today is globalization. While there are those who see globalization as the most advanced stage of humankind and support it, there are also those who focus on its negative consequences and oppose it. This debate continues by focusing on the political, economic and cultural dimensions of globalization. The debates on the cultural dimension of globalization draw attention at least as much as its political and economic dimensions. While there are those who argue that local cultures have preserved their essence despite globalization, there are also those who argue that a new "hybrid" culture has emerged. The third view in this area argues that increasingly cultures create similarities all over the world due to globalization. However, they argue that these similarities are formed in favor of the dominant powers that hold the world's rent in the cultural, economic and political system. The famous concepts of the advocates of the third view are concepts such as "cultural imperialism", "global capitalism", "westernization", "Americanization", "McDonaldization". Regardless of our definition and the view we advocate, it can be said that Globalization rises on Max Weber's concept of 'rationalization'. With globalization, rational systems are becoming widespread and almost invading all economic, political and cultural areas. Increasingly rational systems produce irrational results and, in Weber's words, imprison the individual in an 'iron cage'. Although rational systems bring many advantages, it is thought that the transformation of almost the entire social sphere into a network of rational systems drags individuals towards a dead end where their freedoms are restricted. One of these deadlocks is that the individual spends the rest of the time he spends in production on consumption. This study aims to measure the effects of the globalization process on consumption culture and the awareness of the society in this context. The field research was carried out in Meydan Istanbul Shopping Center in Ümraniye district, which is thought to have a high ability to represent Istanbul in terms of demographic characteristics. Quantitative data collection techniques were used in the research and it is descriptive in nature. The created data collection tool was applied to 423 people. The sample of the research was determined randomly among the visitors who visited the shopping malls and were willing to participate in the research. The collected data were evaluated with SPSS 23 statistical program. The most general conclusion reached by the research is that there is a positive correlation between the awareness level of the participants towards the consumption culture of the globalization process and the rate of moving away from the irrational effects of shopping malls, and that as the level of awareness increases, the rate of alienation from the irrational effects of shopping centers increases.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Küreselleşme, Akılcılık, Akıldışılık, Tüketim, Alışveriş merkezleri, Globalization, Rationality, Irrationality, Consumption, Shopping malls
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Çakıroğlu, E. S. (2021). Tüketim kültürü ve farkındalık üzerine sosyolojik bir araştırma: Ümraniye örneği / A sociological research on consumption culture and awareness: the case of Ümraniye (Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Maltepe Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, İstanbul.