Otomotiv sektöründe tedarik zinciri yapılanması
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Maltepe Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
CC0 1.0 Universal
20.yüzılın başında hayatımıza giren Otomotiv Sektörü, yarattığı katma değer, sağladığı istihdam ve uluslararası ticaretten almakta olduğu pay ile günümüzde dünyanın en önemli sektörlerinden bir tanesidir. Otomotiv sanayii, demir-çelik, petro-kimya, cam ve lastik gibi temel sektörlerdeki sürükleyici etkisiyle dünyadaki tüm sanayileşmiş ülkelerde ekonomilerin lokomotif sektörü olarak kabul edilmektedir. Otomotiv sanayinin doğuşu Almanya ve Fransa’nın öncülüğünde Avrupa’da doğmuş olmasına rağmen dünyanın en büyük endüstri ülkelerinden biri olan ABD’de gelişerek güçlenmiştir. II.Dünya Savaşı sonrasında gerçekleşen Japon Mucizesi sonrasında Japonya otomotiv sanayiinde öne çıkmaya başlamıştır. İlerleyen zamanda Japonya’nın yanında başta Çin olmak üzere Hindistan ve Güney Kore gibi Asya ekonomilerinin hızla büyümesi ve otomotiv sanayi yatırımlarının gerek global gerekse de Asya ülkelerindeki sermaye gruplarının yatırımlarının hız kazanması sonucunda otomotiv sanayinin merkezi batıdan doğuya doğru kaymıştır. Günümüzde dünya otomotiv üretiminin yarıdan fazlası Asya kıtasında yapılmakta olup Çin tek başına dünya üretiminin %25ini gerçekleştirmektedir. Dünyadaki gelişen ve gelişmekte olan tüm ekonomiler açısından anahtar konumundaki otomotiv sanayii, Türkiye için de en kritik sektörlerden birisi olma özelliğini uzun yıllardır korumaktadır. Özellikle Gümrük Birliği sonrasında hız kazanan yeni model yatırımları sonucunda Türk otomotiv sanayii dünya otomotiv üretiminde 15.sıraya kadar yükselmiştir. Ana otomotiv sanayiinin dışında günümüzde birçok Türk otomotiv yan sanayi firması özellikle Avrupa’daki otomotiv devlerine yönelik yüksek kaliteli orijinal ekipman üretimi yapmakta ve yan sanayiinin Avrupa’ya ihracatı her geçen yıl hızla artmaktadır. Küreselleşen dünyada mal ve hizmetlerin tüketildikleri coğrafyada üretilmeleri zorunluluğu ortadan kalkması sonucunda işletmeler farklı iş yapış şekilleri ile çalışma durumunda kalmışlardır. Rekabet ortamında ortaya çıkan bu yeni şartlar çerçevesinde tüm sürecin bir bütün olarak yürütülmesini, daha iyi maliyetlerle çalışılabilmesi amacıyla tedarikçilerden son müşteriye kadar olan zincirin bir bütün olarak ele alınmasını ve firmaların ortak performans göstermelerini sağlayan Tedarik Zinciri kavramı ortaya çıkmıştır. Dünyanın küreselleşmesi ve müşteri isteklerinin sürekli olarak farklılaşmaya devam etmesi sonucunda her geçen gün artan rekabet, şirketleri kısa teslimat süreli, esnek, düşük maliyetli, yüksek kalitede ve müşteri memnuniyetini en üst seviyede tutacak şekilde ürünler ve servisler ortaya çıkarmaya zorlamaktadır. Bu meydana gelen şartlar sonucunda artık şirketler tek başlarına değil tedarik zinciri olarak güçlerini birleştirerek kıyasıya rekabette var olabilmek için çalışmaktadırlar. iii Günümüzde dünyanın en büyük sektörlerinden olan otomotiv sanayii küresel rekabetin en sert yaşandığı sektörlerden biri konumundadır. Dünyada birçok gelişime öncülük eden otomotiv sanayii Tedarik Zinciri Yönetiminin uygulanması konusunda öncü rol oynamış ve bu konuda birçok sektöre ilham kaynağı olmuştur. Günümüzde Tedarik Zinciri Yönetimi dünyanın farklı bölgelerinde bulunan otomotiv sektöründeki birçok firma tarafından başarıyla uygulanmakta ve Tedarik Zinciri Yönetimini daha da ileri götürecek yenilikler otomotiv sektörü tarafından hayata geçirilmektedir. Bu çalışmada Otomotiv Sektörünün 19.yüzyıl sonlarında doğuşu, Avrupa, ABD, Asya ve Türkiye’deki gelişim süreci ile günümüzde global ölçekteki durumu, Tedarik Zinciri Yönetiminin doğuşu, gelişimi, stratejileri, maliyet yapısı ve temel performans göstergeleri çeşitli yerli ve yabancı kaynaklardan araştırılmıştır. Dünyadaki birçok yeniliğe öncülük eden Otomotiv Sektöründe kullanılan çeşitli Tedarik Zinciri Yönetimi uygulamalar ile birlikte Türkiye’de Otomotiv Sektörünün iki önemli firması olan Ford Otosan ve Tofaş’taki Tedarik Zinciri Yönetimi yapısı ve uygulamaları organizasyon dahil farklı başlıklar altında incelenmiş, birbiriyle karşılaştırılmış ve sonuç olarak da mevcut uygulamaların iyileştirilmesine yönelik çözüm önerilerinde bulunulmuştur.
The Automotive Sector, which is one of the most important sectors of the world today with its added value, the employment it provides and its share of international trade, became a part of our lives by the beginning of 20th century.Automative industry is considered as the locomotive sector of the economies in all industrialized countries of the world by its gripping influence in the basic sectors such as iron-steel, petro-chemistry, glass and rubber. Although the automotive industry was born in Europe under the leadership of Germany and France, it grew stronger in the US, one of the world's largest industrial countries. After the Japanese Miracle, which took place after World War II, Japan has started to stand out in the automotive industry. By the time, as the Asian economies such as China, India and South Korea grew rapidly with the investments of both global and the capital groups of Asian countries, and the center of automotive industry shifted from the west to the east. Today, more than half of the world's automotive production is done in Asia, with China alone accounting for 25% of world production. For many years, the automotive industry, which is the key to all developped and developing economies in the world, has been one of the most critical sectors for Turkey for many years. Especially after the Customs Union with EU, as a result of new model investments gaining momentum, Turkish automotive industry has increased to 15th rank in world automotive production. Apart from the main automotive industry, many Turkish automotive supplier companies produce high quality original equipment parts especially for the automotive giants in Europe, and the exports of automotive supplier industry to Europe are increasing rapidly every year. In the globalizing world, the necessity of producing goods and services in the geographical region where they are consumed has come to an end, and as a result, the companies have been forced to work with different forms of business. Within the context of these new conditions emerging in the competitive environment, the concept of Supply Chain has emerged which allows the entire chain of suppliers from the supplier to be treated as a whole and firms to perform jointly so that the entire process as a whole can be carried out at a better cost. As the globalization of the world and customer demands continue to differentiate, ever-increasing competition forces companies to produce products and services that are short-lived, flexible, low cost, high quality and customer satisfaction at the highest level. As a result of these circumstances, companies are now working to become more competitive by combining their strengths as a supply chain, rather than being an individual company. Today, the automotive industry, one of the largest sectors in the world, is one of the sectors in which global competition is the hardest. It has played a pioneering role in the implementation of the Supply Chain Management of the automotive industry, v which has led many developments in the world, and many sectors in the world have been inspired from the automotive sector. Today Supply Chain Management is being successfully implemented by many companies in the automotive sector in different regions of the world and the innovations that will take the Supply Chain Management further are being investigated by the automotive sector. In this study, the development process of Automotive Sector in the late 19th century, Europe, USA, Asia and Turkey, as well as the global situation in the present time, the origin, development, strategies, cost structure and basic performance indicators of Supply Chain Management have been investigated from various domestic and foreign sources. The Supply Chain Management practices and applications of Ford Otosan and Tofaş, two of the most important companies in the Automotive Sector in Turkey, have been examined under different headings including the organization together with the various Supply Chain Management applications used in the Automotive Sector, leading to many innovations in the world and some basic solutions have been proposed for improving the applications at Ford Otosan and Tofaş.
The Automotive Sector, which is one of the most important sectors of the world today with its added value, the employment it provides and its share of international trade, became a part of our lives by the beginning of 20th century.Automative industry is considered as the locomotive sector of the economies in all industrialized countries of the world by its gripping influence in the basic sectors such as iron-steel, petro-chemistry, glass and rubber. Although the automotive industry was born in Europe under the leadership of Germany and France, it grew stronger in the US, one of the world's largest industrial countries. After the Japanese Miracle, which took place after World War II, Japan has started to stand out in the automotive industry. By the time, as the Asian economies such as China, India and South Korea grew rapidly with the investments of both global and the capital groups of Asian countries, and the center of automotive industry shifted from the west to the east. Today, more than half of the world's automotive production is done in Asia, with China alone accounting for 25% of world production. For many years, the automotive industry, which is the key to all developped and developing economies in the world, has been one of the most critical sectors for Turkey for many years. Especially after the Customs Union with EU, as a result of new model investments gaining momentum, Turkish automotive industry has increased to 15th rank in world automotive production. Apart from the main automotive industry, many Turkish automotive supplier companies produce high quality original equipment parts especially for the automotive giants in Europe, and the exports of automotive supplier industry to Europe are increasing rapidly every year. In the globalizing world, the necessity of producing goods and services in the geographical region where they are consumed has come to an end, and as a result, the companies have been forced to work with different forms of business. Within the context of these new conditions emerging in the competitive environment, the concept of Supply Chain has emerged which allows the entire chain of suppliers from the supplier to be treated as a whole and firms to perform jointly so that the entire process as a whole can be carried out at a better cost. As the globalization of the world and customer demands continue to differentiate, ever-increasing competition forces companies to produce products and services that are short-lived, flexible, low cost, high quality and customer satisfaction at the highest level. As a result of these circumstances, companies are now working to become more competitive by combining their strengths as a supply chain, rather than being an individual company. Today, the automotive industry, one of the largest sectors in the world, is one of the sectors in which global competition is the hardest. It has played a pioneering role in the implementation of the Supply Chain Management of the automotive industry, v which has led many developments in the world, and many sectors in the world have been inspired from the automotive sector. Today Supply Chain Management is being successfully implemented by many companies in the automotive sector in different regions of the world and the innovations that will take the Supply Chain Management further are being investigated by the automotive sector. In this study, the development process of Automotive Sector in the late 19th century, Europe, USA, Asia and Turkey, as well as the global situation in the present time, the origin, development, strategies, cost structure and basic performance indicators of Supply Chain Management have been investigated from various domestic and foreign sources. The Supply Chain Management practices and applications of Ford Otosan and Tofaş, two of the most important companies in the Automotive Sector in Turkey, have been examined under different headings including the organization together with the various Supply Chain Management applications used in the Automotive Sector, leading to many innovations in the world and some basic solutions have been proposed for improving the applications at Ford Otosan and Tofaş.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Otomotiv sektörü, Tedarik zinciri yönetimi, Lojistik yönetimi, Ford otosan, Tofaş, Automotive sector, Supply chain management, Logistics management
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Ergene M. R. (2017) Otomotiv sektöründe tedarik zinciri yapılanması / Supply chain restructuring in the automative sector (Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Maltepe Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İstanbul.