Lobicilik ve İsviçre’nin sözleşmeli çocukları: Verdingkinder / Lobbying and the contracted children of Switzerland: Verdingkinder
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Lobicilik kavramının temel tanımlarından biri, “Belirli bir çıkar grubunun isteklerini, siyasal organlara kabul ettirmek, onları kendi doğrultusunda etkilemek amacıyla kurulmuş topluluk” şeklindedir. Bu tanımlamaya uygun bir örnek oluşturan ve çalışmaya konu olan olay da İsviçre'de 1790'lı yıllardan 1960'lı yılların sonuna kadar süren bir çocuk hakları ihlalidir. Yapılan bir yasal düzenleme ile 14 yaşından küçük çocukların fabrikalarda çalışması yasaklanınca çocuklar ailelerinden alınarak çiftliklere satılmış ve süreci de toplumun kabullenmesi sağlanacak şekilde din adamları yürütmüştür. Bu çocukların ortak özellikleri yoksul, boşanmış veya suç işlemiş ebeveynlere sahip olmalarıdır. 1998 yılından beri resmi olarak mağdurların haklarını konu alan lobicilik faaliyetinin büyük oranda başarıya ulaştığı görülmektedir. Yapılan çalışmalarla tanıklar dinlenmekte, hedeflenen tazminatın devlet tarafından mağdurlara ödenmesine çalışılmaktadır. Halen hayatta olan 10.000 mağduru ve ailelerini yakından ilgilendiren konu, başarıya ulaşmış bir lobicilik faaliyeti örneği olarak gösterilebilir niteliktedir.
One of the basic definitions of the concept of lobbying is “a community that is established in order to impose the requests of specific interest groups on political bodies and to influence them”. Additionally the case which is a suitable example of this definition and is subjected to this study is the violation of children's rights started in 1970’s and continued until the end of 1960’s in Switzerland. When it is banned to work of the children under the age of 14 in the factories, they are taken from their parents and sold to farms; also the process is conducted by the clergy to ensure the acceptance of it by the community. Common characteristics of these children are to have the parents which are poor, divorced or committed a crime. It is seen that the lobbying, which has been subjected to the rights of victims since 1998, has been very successful. Moreover, the witnesses are heard with the studies conducted and it is tried to pay the targeted compensation to victims by the government. It can be considered as a successful example of the lobbying that the case closely related with the 10.000 victims who are still alive and their families.
One of the basic definitions of the concept of lobbying is “a community that is established in order to impose the requests of specific interest groups on political bodies and to influence them”. Additionally the case which is a suitable example of this definition and is subjected to this study is the violation of children's rights started in 1970’s and continued until the end of 1960’s in Switzerland. When it is banned to work of the children under the age of 14 in the factories, they are taken from their parents and sold to farms; also the process is conducted by the clergy to ensure the acceptance of it by the community. Common characteristics of these children are to have the parents which are poor, divorced or committed a crime. It is seen that the lobbying, which has been subjected to the rights of victims since 1998, has been very successful. Moreover, the witnesses are heard with the studies conducted and it is tried to pay the targeted compensation to victims by the government. It can be considered as a successful example of the lobbying that the case closely related with the 10.000 victims who are still alive and their families.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Verdingkinder, Çocuk İşçi, Lobicilik, İnsan Hakları, Child Labour, Lobbying, Civil Liberties
Maltepe Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi
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Scopus Q Değeri
Türkkol , F. (2016). Lobicilik ve İsviçre’nin sözleşmeli çocukları: Verdingkinder / Lobbying and the contracted children of Switzerland: Verdingkinder, Maltepe Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi, T.C. Maltepe Üniversitesi, 3(2), s.23-40.