Pandemide tiyatro: “Her Yokluk Bir Varoluştur” Filmi
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T.C. Maltepe Üniversitesi Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Pandemi sürecinde tiyatro sanatının kars?ı kars?ıya kaldıg?ı deg?is?im ve etkiles?imleri ele alan ‘Her Yokluk Bir Varoluştur’ belgesel filmini içeren bu çalıs?ma, dünya genelinde yas?anan pandemilerin tiyatro sanatına etkilerini irdelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Çalıs?ma Türk tiyatrosunun sanatçı, emekçi ve alımlayıcılarının pandemi sürecinde deneyimledikleri sorunları ortaya koymayı hedeflemektedir. Filmin hazırlık sürecinde, Dünya ve Türk tiyatrosu aras?tırılmıs?, 1918-1919 İspanyol Gribi pandemisi örnekleminde, Covid-19 pandemisinin tiyatro sanatı üzerindeki etkileri incelenmis?tir. Tiyatro dünyasının görüs?lerine bas?vurmak üzere röportajlar yapılarak tiyatrolar dijital ortamda ve canlı performanslarında gözlemlenmis?tir. Bu çalıs?malar paralelinde olus?turulan ‘Her Yokluk Bir Varolus?tur’ belgesel filminin birincil amacı, tiyatro sanatının yas?anan bu zorlu süreçlere rag?men varlıg?ını korudug?unu ve ayakta kalmayı bas?ardıg?ını vurgulamaktır. Belgesel filmdeki meddah karakteri, Türk Tiyatro Sanatının çag?lar boyunca varlıg?ını devam ettireceg?inin bir sembolü olarak kullanılmıs?tır. Belgesel filmde meddah son replig?inde izleyiciye s?öyle seslenir; ‘Tiyatro her zorluğu aşar ve sonsuza kadar yaşar!’
This study, which includes the documentary film 'Every Poverty is an Existence', which deals with the changes and interactions faced by the art of theater during the pandemic process, aims to examine the effects of pandemics experienced around the world on the art of theater. The study aims to reveal the problems experienced by the artists, workers and buyers of Turkish theater during the epidemic process. During the preparation process of the film, world and Turkish theater were researched, and the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the art of theater were examined in the sample of the 1918-1919 Spanish Flu pandemic. The theaters were observed in the digital environment and in their live performances, by making interviews to members of the theater world. The primary purpose of the documentary film "Every Poverty is an Existence", created in parallel with these studies, is to emphasize that the art of theater has survived and managed to survive despite these difficult processes. The meddah character in the documentary film has been used as a symbol that Turkish Theater Art will continue to exist throughout the ages. In the documentary film, the meddah calls out to the audience in his last line; 'Theater overcomes all difficulties and lives forever!'
This study, which includes the documentary film 'Every Poverty is an Existence', which deals with the changes and interactions faced by the art of theater during the pandemic process, aims to examine the effects of pandemics experienced around the world on the art of theater. The study aims to reveal the problems experienced by the artists, workers and buyers of Turkish theater during the epidemic process. During the preparation process of the film, world and Turkish theater were researched, and the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the art of theater were examined in the sample of the 1918-1919 Spanish Flu pandemic. The theaters were observed in the digital environment and in their live performances, by making interviews to members of the theater world. The primary purpose of the documentary film "Every Poverty is an Existence", created in parallel with these studies, is to emphasize that the art of theater has survived and managed to survive despite these difficult processes. The meddah character in the documentary film has been used as a symbol that Turkish Theater Art will continue to exist throughout the ages. In the documentary film, the meddah calls out to the audience in his last line; 'Theater overcomes all difficulties and lives forever!'
Anahtar Kelimeler
Tiyatro, Pandemi, Covid-19, Theatre, Pandemic, Covid-19
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Salman, E. (2022). Pandemide tiyatro: “Her Yokluk Bir Varoluştur” Filmi / Theater in the pandemic: “The Film Every Poverty is an Existence”. (Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Maltepe Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, İstanbul.