Türkiye’de serbest bölgelerin makro ekonomiye etkisi ve AKP iktidarının bu olaya bakışı
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Maltepe Üniversitesi
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CC0 1.0 Universal
Küreselleşen dünya ekonomisinde serbestleşmeye başlayan ekonomik hareketler serbest bölgeler kavramını ortaya çıkarmıştır. Serbest bölgeler kurulduğu ülkenin gümrük sınırları dışında tutulan dış ticaretin daha kolay hale getirildiği ve üzerinde çeşitli ticari faaliyetlerin gerçekleştirildiği özel bölgelerdir. Ülkelerin ticaretten beklentileri farklıdır. Gelişmiş ülkeler ucuz iş gücü ararken gelişmekte olan ülkelerse düzenli döviz girişi sağlayarak ekonomik kalkınmayı hızlandırmak isterler. Bunun için ihracatta devamlılığın sağlanması şarttır.20.yüzyılın başından itibaren serbest bölgelerin sayısı dünyada gittikçe artmıştır. Türkiye’de de Osmanlı İmparatorluğu ve Cumhuriyet döneminde e serbest bölge uygulamaları olmuştur. Ancak asıl hızlanma 1980’li yıllarda başlamıştır.2000’li yıllardan itibarense AB ile girdiğimiz gümrük birliği sürecinde konuyla ilgili düzenlemelere gidilmiştir. Aşağıda serbest bölge ile ilgili kavram, tarihi gelişme türleri vs. Konularda açıklama yapılacaktır. Serbest bölgelerle ilgili tarihsel sürece baktığımızda ilk serbest bölge uygulamaları aşağı yukarı 2000 yıl öncesinde yunan ve roma medeniyetlerine kadar uzanmaktadır. Bu dönemlerde büyük ticaret yolları üzerinde ticaret kolonilerinin serbest şehir olarak adlandırılan şehirlerde ekonomik ve siyasi yönden tüm kontrollerin tamamen veya kısmen ortadan kaldırılması şeklinde uygulanmıştır.18. yüzyılda ise İngiltere sömürgesi olan Hong Kong ve Singapur’da günümüzdeki mamasına uygun serbest bölgeler kurulmuştur. II. Dünya savaşı sonrası Birleşmiş Milletler Sanayi Kalkınma örgütü gibi kuruluşlar ithal ikameci sanayileşme yerine ihracata yönelik sanayileşme politikasını önermiş ve bunun için serbest bölgeler fikrini ortaya atmıştır. Böylece Dünyada sayıları hızla artmıştır. Bugün 1980 rakamlarıyla 80 ülkede 450 serbest bölge vardır. Ülkeler sürekli yeni Pazar arayışı içindedir. Ülkelerin bu arayışlarında Birleşmiş Milletler Sanayi Kalkınma Örgütü(UNİDO) önceliğinde kurulan Dünya ihraç ürünleri işleme bölgeleri birliği (WEPZA) kurulmuştur.Üye ülkelere bilgi akışı sağlamaktır.
The economic movements that started to liberalize in the globalizing world economy revealed the concept of free zones. Free zones are special regions where foreign trade outside the customs borders of the country in which they are established is made easier and various commercial activities are carried out. Countries have different expectations from trade. Developed countries seek to accelerate economic development by providing regular foreign exchange inflows to developing countries while looking for cheap labor force. For this, it is necessary to ensure continuity in exports.20 The number of free zones has been increasing in the world since the beginning of the century. Turkey has also been a practice to free zone during the Ottoman Empire and the Republic. However, the actual acceleration started in the 1980s. From 2000s onwards, the customs union we entered with the EU has made arrangements on this subject. Below is the concept of free zone, types of historical development etc. Explanations will be made on topics. When we look at the historical process of free zones, the first free zone applications extend to the greek and roman civilizations about 2000 years ago. In these periods, the trade colonies on major trade routes were implemented in the cities called free cities, with all or part of the control of economic and political direction being completely or partially removed.18. In the 20th century, free zones were established in Hong Kong and Singapore, which are the British colonies, in accordance with the present day. II. Organizations such as the United Nations Industrial Development Organization after World War II have proposed an industrialization policy aimed at exporting rather than import substitute industrialization and have proposed the idea of free zones for this. So the numbers in the world have increased rapidly. Today there are 450 free zones in 80 countries with 1980 figures. Countries are constantly in search of new markets. In these quests of the countries, the Union of the World Export Products Processing Zones (WEPZA), which was established with the priority of United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), was established.
The economic movements that started to liberalize in the globalizing world economy revealed the concept of free zones. Free zones are special regions where foreign trade outside the customs borders of the country in which they are established is made easier and various commercial activities are carried out. Countries have different expectations from trade. Developed countries seek to accelerate economic development by providing regular foreign exchange inflows to developing countries while looking for cheap labor force. For this, it is necessary to ensure continuity in exports.20 The number of free zones has been increasing in the world since the beginning of the century. Turkey has also been a practice to free zone during the Ottoman Empire and the Republic. However, the actual acceleration started in the 1980s. From 2000s onwards, the customs union we entered with the EU has made arrangements on this subject. Below is the concept of free zone, types of historical development etc. Explanations will be made on topics. When we look at the historical process of free zones, the first free zone applications extend to the greek and roman civilizations about 2000 years ago. In these periods, the trade colonies on major trade routes were implemented in the cities called free cities, with all or part of the control of economic and political direction being completely or partially removed.18. In the 20th century, free zones were established in Hong Kong and Singapore, which are the British colonies, in accordance with the present day. II. Organizations such as the United Nations Industrial Development Organization after World War II have proposed an industrialization policy aimed at exporting rather than import substitute industrialization and have proposed the idea of free zones for this. So the numbers in the world have increased rapidly. Today there are 450 free zones in 80 countries with 1980 figures. Countries are constantly in search of new markets. In these quests of the countries, the Union of the World Export Products Processing Zones (WEPZA), which was established with the priority of United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), was established.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Dış Ticaret, Serbest Bölgeler, İhracat, İthalat, Foreign Trade, Free Trade Zones, Export, Import
Ekonomik, Toplumsal ve Siyasi Analiz Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Bakkal, M., Bakkal, S. ve Kantar, G. (2017). Türkiye’de serbest bölgelerin makro ekonomiye etkisi ve AKP iktidarının bu olaya bakışı / Macro economic effects of free zones in Turkey and review of the AKP response to this event. Ekonomik, Toplumsal ve Siyasi Analiz Dergisi. II(10), s. 39-58.