5-6 çocuklarına yönelik hazırlayan ritm eğitimi programının çocukta ritm duyusunun gelişimine etkisinin incelenmesi
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Kastamonu Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
CC0 1.0 Universal
Günümüzde müzik eğitiminin bireylerin kişilik gelişimine ve sosyalleşmesine katkıda bulunduğu gerçeği giderek daha çok kabul gören bir alandır. Çocuğun müzik yoluyla eğitilmesi, sağlıklı birey yetiştirmenin en önemli araçlarından biridir. Okulöncesi dönemde, özellikle 5–6 yaş grubundaki çocuklar için müzik eğitiminde en önemli noktalar duymak, dinlemek, dikkatini seslere yoğunlaştırabilmek ve uygun tepkiyi verebilmektir. Bu yüzden müziğin temel unsurlarından biri olan ritm eğitimi ile ilgili programların geliştirilmesi son derece önemlidir. Buna dayanarak bu çalışmada okul öncesi dönemi 5–6 yaş çocuklarına yönelik hazırlanan “Ritm Eğitimi Programı” uygulanarak çocuklarda ritm duyularının gelişimi üzerine etkisi araştırılmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda, araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilmiş ve okul öncesi 5–6 yaş grubuna uygulanan “Ritm Eğitimi Programı”nın çocuklarda ritm duyusunun geliştirmesine etkilerini incelemek için ön-test ve son-test kontrol gruplu deneysel araştırma modelli bir araştırma yürütülmüştür. Araştırmaya birinci grupta 15, ikinci grupta 15 olmak üzere 30 çocuk katılmıştır. İkinci grup, araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilmiş test sorularından aldıkları puana göre daha yüksek puan alan çocuklardan seçilmiştir. Birinci gruba ise daha düşük puan alan çocuklar alınmıştır. Birinci gruptaki çocuklar, 6 hafta süresince her gün “Ritm Eğitimi Programı”na katılmıştır. Araştırmacı, ritm kalıplarını konu alan oyunlarla bu programı uygulamıştır. Araştırmanın sonucunda elde edilen bulgular doğrultusunda “Ritm Eğitimi Programı”na katılmış olan birinci gruptaki çocukların ritm becerilerinin eğitime katılmamış olan ikinci gruptaki çocukların seviyelerine ulaştığı görülmüştür. “Ritm Eğitimi Programı”nın çocukların ritm duyularının gelişmesini sağladığı ve etkili olduğu bulunmuştur
Today music, an area of education, is an important influence in an individual’s personal development and has an effect in terms of socializing skills in each individual. Children receive music education because music is an important element in developing a healthy individual. During pre-school (5-6 year olds) listening, paying attention to sounds and giving appropriate reactions are important points in music education. Due to this, developing education programs related to rhythm, one of the basic music elements, are important. Based on this, the purpose of this research was to observe if “Rhythm Education Program” when tested on 5-6 year olds in pre-school, had an effect on their rhythmic sense development. With this purpose an experimental design, “Rhythm Education Program”, developed by the researcher was used to test the effect of rhythmic development on 5-6 year olds pre-school children. They were preand post tested. For this research 30 children were involved. They were divided into 2 groups of 15 children. Children in the second group were those when tested with questions made by the researcher had higher scores than children in the first group. Children in the first group were those who achieved lower scores than children in the second group. Children in the first group received the “Rhythm Education Program” everyday for six weeks. In this program plays including rhythm patterns, developed by the researcher, were applied. According to the results obtained from this research, rhythmic performances of the children in the first group involved in the “Rhythm Education Program” had reached the level of the second group not involved in the educational program by the end of this research. “Rhythm Education Program” therefore has an effect on and has been found to improve rhythmic sense development in children.
Today music, an area of education, is an important influence in an individual’s personal development and has an effect in terms of socializing skills in each individual. Children receive music education because music is an important element in developing a healthy individual. During pre-school (5-6 year olds) listening, paying attention to sounds and giving appropriate reactions are important points in music education. Due to this, developing education programs related to rhythm, one of the basic music elements, are important. Based on this, the purpose of this research was to observe if “Rhythm Education Program” when tested on 5-6 year olds in pre-school, had an effect on their rhythmic sense development. With this purpose an experimental design, “Rhythm Education Program”, developed by the researcher was used to test the effect of rhythmic development on 5-6 year olds pre-school children. They were preand post tested. For this research 30 children were involved. They were divided into 2 groups of 15 children. Children in the second group were those when tested with questions made by the researcher had higher scores than children in the first group. Children in the first group were those who achieved lower scores than children in the second group. Children in the first group received the “Rhythm Education Program” everyday for six weeks. In this program plays including rhythm patterns, developed by the researcher, were applied. According to the results obtained from this research, rhythmic performances of the children in the first group involved in the “Rhythm Education Program” had reached the level of the second group not involved in the educational program by the end of this research. “Rhythm Education Program” therefore has an effect on and has been found to improve rhythmic sense development in children.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ritm, Ritm eğitimi, Ritm kalıpları, Metronom, Rhythm, Rhythm education, Rhythm patterns, Metronome
Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Zembat, R., Mertoğlu, E. ve Choi, J. (2010). 5-6 çocuklarına yönelik hazırlayan ritm eğitimi programının çocukta ritm duyusunun gelişimine etkisinin incelenmesi / The effect of rhythm education program designed for 5-6 year old children on their rhythmic sense development. 18(1), s. 47-60.