Bioayrışabilen anuloplasti halkası ile yapılan mitral kapak tamiri operasyonlarının sonuçlarının incelenmesi / Result of mitral valve repair operations with biodegradableannuloplasty ring
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T.C. Maltepe Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi
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Çalışmamızın amacı, ileri mitral yetmezlik tanısı ile mitral kapak tamiri; bioayrışabilen ring ile yapılan hastaların sonuçları incelenerek ring ile tamir yönteminin etkinliğini araştırmaktır. Mayıs 2007-Mayıs 2009 tarihleri arasında TC. Maltepe Üniversitesi Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi Kliniğinde 23 hasta ileri mitral yetmezlik tanısı ile mitral kapak tamiri ameliyatı bioayrışabilen ring ile yapılmıştır. Bu hastalardan 3 tanesinin postoperatif takipleri yapılamadığı için çalışma dışında bırakılmıştır. Gerikalan 20 hastanın verileri retrospektif olarak hasta dosyalarından araştırılmıştır. Hastaların preoperatif , postoperatif 7. gün, post operetif 3. ay , postoperatif 6. ay ve postoperatif 1 yıllık takip sonuçları incelenmiştir. Hasta verileri Ki-kare ve Student-T testi ile istatiksel olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Bioayrışabilen ring cerrahi olarak kolay ve hızlı implante edilebilmektedir. Bu nedenle hastaların kardiyopulmoner bypass süreleri kısadır. Ring fleksible olduğundan mitral anulusun sistol ve diastoldeki hareketlerine eşlik eder. Normal fizyolojiye uygun olması önemli bir avantajıdır. Bioayrışabilen ring implantasyonu yapılan hastaların 19 tanesinde erken yada geç postoperatif dönemde antibiyotik kullanmayı gerektiren enfeksiyona rastlanmamıştır. Sadece bir hastada aynı seansda homogreft ile yapılan aort kapak replasmanından sonra homogreft aort kapak enfeksiyonu olmuş ve aort kapak mekanik protez ile değiştirilmiş mitral kapağa dokunulmamıştır. Bioayrışabilen ring implantasyonu endokardiuma yapıldığı için kapak yüzeyinde kan ile drect temas eden bir yapı( protez kapak yada konvansiyonel ringlerin tersine olarak ) bulunmamaktadır. Bu da enfeksiyon görülme sıklığını azaltır. Çalışma grubundaki hastaların ileri mitral yetmezliği ( Kalitatif değerlendirmede 4 [+]). den ( Kalitatif değerlendirmede 1 [+]) düzeyine gerilemiştir ve takipleri devam eden hastalarda bu iyileşme korunmaktadır. Hastaların efor kapasitelerindeki düzelme ise mitral kapak replasmanı yapılan hasta grubu ile uyumludur. Hastaların preoperatif ve post operatif erken dönem ile geç dönem verilerinin tümü 2008 “Guidelines for Reporting Mortality and Morbidity After Cardiac Valve İnterventions” da yer alan kriterler esas alınarak değerlendirilmiştir. Bu araştırmada sunulan cerrahi ve ekokardiografik sonuçlar ışığında ileri mitral yetmezlikli hastalarda mitral kapak etkin olarak bioayrışabilen ring ile tamir edilmekte ve hastalar kendi mitral kapakları ile yaşamlarına devam etmektedirler. Böylece mekanik yada bioprotez mitral kapak implantasyonunun getireceği birçok dezavantajdan korunmaktadırlar.
In our study, our aim was to evaluate the effectiveness of mitral valve repair procedure biodegradable ring implantation for severe mitral regurgitation. Biodegradable ring implantation is the preferred method bacause of its ease during the operation. Due to this advantage, timings of cardiopulmonary bypass are relatively short. The flexibility of the ring enables systolic and diastolic movements during cardiac cycle. This property mimic normal physiologic process. PATIENTS AND METHODS From May 2007 to 2009 totally 23 patients with severe mitral regurgitation undervent mitral valve repair operation with biodegradable ring implantation. 3 of 23 patients are excluded from the study because we weren?t able to reach them to call for the follow up examinations. Preoperative, postoperative day, 3rd month, 6th month and 12th month echocardiographic datas of 20 patients collected retrospectively and deeply analysed. The datas are analysed statistically with Ki Square and Student T tests. Biodegradable ring is easy implantable and the operation can be performed fast. That advantage provides short cardiopulmonary bypass periods. Flexibility of the ring allows the mitral annulus to move harmonically with the surrounding myocardium during the systole and the diastole. RESULTS19 of 20 patients didn?t require any antibiotic treatment because of early and late infections. Only one patient operated for concomitant aortic valve dysfunction. Infection of homograft in aortic position observed and the patient was reoperated to switch the homograft with mechanical aortic valve. There was no abnormal finding in mitral valve position therefore nothing was performed for the mitral valve during the reoperation. Biodegradable ring is being implanted into the endocardium so there is no direct contact between the ring and the streaming blood. Theoretically this isolation reduces the rates of infection. Severe mitral regurgitation of the patients (quantitatively 4+ regurgitation improved to 1+ regurgitation)45improved and the improvement is stil observed during the follow up period. The functional classification is also improved as the degree of regurgitation reduced. The analyses of the preoperative and postoperative early and late results are analysed with the criteria of ?Guidelines for Reporting Mortality and Morbidity After Cardiac Valve Intervention 2008?. In this study surgical and echocardiographic results are deeply analysed. CONCLUSION As a result the biodegradable ring in mitral position provides patients to live with their own mitral valve after the repairment operation performed for severe mitral regurgitation. By the way the patients are avoided the complications of mechanical or bioprosthetic valve replacement operations for mitral valve dysfunction. In deed no long term oral anticoagulant therapy is required.
In our study, our aim was to evaluate the effectiveness of mitral valve repair procedure biodegradable ring implantation for severe mitral regurgitation. Biodegradable ring implantation is the preferred method bacause of its ease during the operation. Due to this advantage, timings of cardiopulmonary bypass are relatively short. The flexibility of the ring enables systolic and diastolic movements during cardiac cycle. This property mimic normal physiologic process. PATIENTS AND METHODS From May 2007 to 2009 totally 23 patients with severe mitral regurgitation undervent mitral valve repair operation with biodegradable ring implantation. 3 of 23 patients are excluded from the study because we weren?t able to reach them to call for the follow up examinations. Preoperative, postoperative day, 3rd month, 6th month and 12th month echocardiographic datas of 20 patients collected retrospectively and deeply analysed. The datas are analysed statistically with Ki Square and Student T tests. Biodegradable ring is easy implantable and the operation can be performed fast. That advantage provides short cardiopulmonary bypass periods. Flexibility of the ring allows the mitral annulus to move harmonically with the surrounding myocardium during the systole and the diastole. RESULTS19 of 20 patients didn?t require any antibiotic treatment because of early and late infections. Only one patient operated for concomitant aortic valve dysfunction. Infection of homograft in aortic position observed and the patient was reoperated to switch the homograft with mechanical aortic valve. There was no abnormal finding in mitral valve position therefore nothing was performed for the mitral valve during the reoperation. Biodegradable ring is being implanted into the endocardium so there is no direct contact between the ring and the streaming blood. Theoretically this isolation reduces the rates of infection. Severe mitral regurgitation of the patients (quantitatively 4+ regurgitation improved to 1+ regurgitation)45improved and the improvement is stil observed during the follow up period. The functional classification is also improved as the degree of regurgitation reduced. The analyses of the preoperative and postoperative early and late results are analysed with the criteria of ?Guidelines for Reporting Mortality and Morbidity After Cardiac Valve Intervention 2008?. In this study surgical and echocardiographic results are deeply analysed. CONCLUSION As a result the biodegradable ring in mitral position provides patients to live with their own mitral valve after the repairment operation performed for severe mitral regurgitation. By the way the patients are avoided the complications of mechanical or bioprosthetic valve replacement operations for mitral valve dysfunction. In deed no long term oral anticoagulant therapy is required.
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Zorman, Y. (2009). Bioayrışabilen anuloplasti halkası ile yapılan mitral kapak tamiri operasyonlarının sonuçlarının incelenmesi / Result of mitral valve repair operations with biodegradableannuloplasty ring. (Yayımlanmamış Tıpta Uzmanlık Tezi). Maltepe Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, İstanbul.