Multidisipliner ekip içinde hemşirenin rolü
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Maltepe Üniversitesi
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Sağlık Sistemi; sağlık bakımı, tıbbi tedavi, rehabilitasyon ve tüm destek hizmetlerinin sağlanmasını içerir. Sağlık ekibi; görev, sorumluluk, yetki ve farklı rolleri olan sağlık disiplini üyelerinin sistemli ve planlı bir şekilde işbirliği ile oluşturulmuş sağlık veya hastalık durumunda, bireylere ve topluluğa etkili ve nitelikli hizmet dağıtımı sağlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Modern sağlık anlayışı ve toplumsal koşullardan kaynaklanan değişiklikler, hemşirelik bakımı kavramının büyümesine ve genişlemesine, karmaşık teknik becerilerde bağımsızlığın artmasına ve yeni rollere yönelmeye yol açmıştır. Yaşamın her alanını etkileyen sosyal ve bilimsel hareketler hemşirelik hizmetlerine yeni bakış açıları getirmiştir. Bunlar; bakım işlevi sadece hasta değil aynı zamanda sağlıklı birey ve ailesini de kapsamıştır. Hemşirelik bakımı hastalık yerine koruyucu ve sağlığı geliştirecek danışmanlık, eğitimci, rehberlik gibi sosyal rollere doğru yoğunlaşmıştır. Modern hemşirelik hizmetleri, sadece fiziksel bakımla sınırlı olmayıp, kişiyi tüm boyutları ile ele alan holistik bakımı öngörmektedir. Geniş boyutlara ulaşan bu bakım kapsamı, hemşireye yeni roller, sorumluluklar ve alanlar açmıştır. Tüm sağlık disiplinleri üyelerinde olduğu gibi hemşire de sağlık bakımını bağımlı, yarı-bağımlı, bağımsız rollerle sunar. Ancak bu rol ve işlevler, sağlık hizmeti kapsamında açıkça belirtilmediğinden zaman zaman birbirine karışabilir. Profesyonel hemşirenin sağlık sistemi içerisindeki payı ve katkısı büyüktür. Bu katkı hemşirelik rolleri olarak belirlenen davranışların işlevleri ve bu işlevleri yerine getiren yöntemlerle sağlanmaktadır. Hemşire, sağlık bakımında rollerini uygulayıcı, yönetici, eğitimci, araştırıcı ve profesyonel olarak gerçekleştirir. Hemşirenin bağımsız rolleri, bakım, eğitim, araştırma ve hasta haklarını savunma ile doğrudan ilişkili olan işlevlerde ortaya çıkar. Bir değişim ajanı olarak hemşire, sağlıklı/hasta bireyin sağlığa ilişkin davranışlarında gereksinimine uygun değişiklikler yaratır ve yeni sağlık davranışları kazandırır. Uygulayıcı Rolü: Hemşire, bireyin ve ailesinin ihtiyaçlarına yönelik bütüncü bir yaklaşımla sağlık bakımına karar verir, bakımın sonucunu planlar, uygular ve değerlendirir. Hemşire uygulayıcı rolünde sağlık bakımı sistemine katılım payını yükseltebilmek için, otonomi, otorite, güç, mesleki ve kişisel, bütünlüğü sağlayacak haklarda iddiacı olma niteliklerini taşımalıdır. Hemşirenin uygulayıcı rolü özellikle yoğun bakım, yeni doğan birimleri vb. spesifik alanlarda ileri düzeyde uzmanlık gerektirir. Yönetici rolü: Hemşire tüm sağlıkla ilgili kurumlarda yöneticilik rolünü gerçekleştirir. Eğitici rolü: Hemşirenin buradaki birinci rolü meslek üyesi yetiştirmektir. İkinci rolü ise sağlığı koruyucu ve geliştirici bilgi ve davranışı, gereksinimlere uygun planlı bir şekilde birey ve topluma kazandırmaktır Araştırıcı rolü: Toplumsal ve bireysel sağlığı sürdürecek ve geliştirecek, daha iyi bir bakım vermeyi amaçlayan çalışmalar hemşireliğin araştırıcı rolüdür. Bir değişim ajanı olarak hemşire, sağlıklı/ hasta bireyin sağlığa ilişkin davranışlarında gereksinimine uygun değişiklikler yaratır ve yeni sağlık davranışları kazandırır Profesyonel rolü: Hemşire profesyonel rolü doğrultusunda tüm mesleki rol ve sorumluluklarını üstlenip yerine getirir. Aynı zamanda, hemşireliğe pozisyon, bağımsızlık; statü, prestij ve yetki, güç kazandıracak, sosyal ve hukuki çalışmalara mesleki kuruluşlar yolu ile katkı sağlar ya da bireysel katılır. Koordinasyon ve savunuculuk rolü: Hemşire, hasta/sağlıklı birey ve ailesi ile sağlık hizmeti sunan ekip arasında doğru bir haberleşme ve işbirliğini sağlayan koordinatörlük rolünü yerine getirir. Aynı zamanda hasta haklarının savunuculuğunu yapar. Rehberlik ve danışmanlık rolü: sağlıkla ilgili konularda sağlığı geliştirici değişimler yaparak bireye ve topluma rehberlik eder. Çağdaş rolleri arasında iyi bir ekonomist, psikolog ve ekip içinde karar verici konum sağlamak ve sürdürmektir. Hemşirenin Sorumlulukları: Hemşireliğe duyulan gereksinim evrenseldir. İnsan yaşamına, onuruna ve haklarına saygı hemşirelik kavramı içinde yer alır. Hemşire, milliyet, ırk, inanç, renk, yaş, cinsiyet, siyasi veya sosyal durum farkı gözetmeden hizmetlerini birey, aile ve topluma sunar. Hemşirenin sorumluluk üstlenebilme yeterliliği, hizmetini gerçekleştirmesine izin veren lisans diplomasıdır. Böylece profesyonel hareket ve davranışlarını açıklayabilme ve bu hareketlerin getirdiği sorumluluğu üstlenme hak ve ödevleri hemşirenin sorumluluğunu oluşturur. Hemşirelik mesleğinin profesyonel otoritesini kazanması için, üst düzey bilgi, beceri ve davranış kazandıran örgün eğitim ve onu destekleyen sürekli eğitim gereklidir. Hemşirenin Hasta / sağlıklı birey, toplum, işveren, meslektaşlar, meslek örgütleri, tedavi ve teşhis işlevlerinde diğer sağlık ekibi üyelerine karşı sorumluluğu vardır.
The Health System includes health care, medical treatment, rehabilitation and all support services. The health team; aims to provide an effective and qualified service delivery to individuals and communities in the case of health or disease created by systematic and planned cooperation of health discipline members with duty, responsibility, authority and different roles. Modern health conception and changes caused by social conditions have led to the growth and expansion of the concept of nursing care, the increase in independence in complex technical skills and the orientation towards new roles Social and scientific movements that affect every aspect of life have led to new insights into nursing services. These; the maintenance function is not only a patient, but also a healthy individual and family. Nursing care focuses on social roles such as counseling, educator, guidance, etc., which will improve the health and preventive rather than the disease. Modern nursing services anticipate holistic care, which is not limited to physical care, but deals with all aspects of the person. This wide range of care has opened up new roles, responsibilities and areas for the nurse. As well as being in all health disciplines, the nurse presents health care as dependent, semi-dependent, independent roles. However, these roles and functions may be confused from time to time as they are not expressly covered by the health service. The share and contribution of the professional nurse in the health care system is great. This contribution is provided by the functions of the behaviors specified as nursing roles and by the methods that perform these functions. The nurse carries out roles in health care as practitioners, administrators, educators, researchers and professionals. The independent roles of the nurse arise in functions that are directly related to advocacy of care, education, research and patient rights. As a change agent, the nurse creates appropriate changes to the needs of the healthy / sick person in relation to their health and acquires new health behaviors Practitioner role: The nurse decides on health care with a holistic approach to the needs of the individual and his / her family, plans, implements and evaluates the result of care. The nurse practitioner role must have the qualification to be an assertive in the rights to provide autonomy, authority, and power, professional and personal, integrity in order to increase the share of participation in the health care system. The role of the practitioner of the nurse, especially intensive care, neonatal units, etc. it requires advanced expertise in specific areas. Administrator role: The nurse plays a role of manager in all health related institutions Educational role: The first role of the nurses here is to raise a professional member. The second role is to provide individuals and communities with healthcare and developmental information and behavior in a planned manner in accordance with their needs Research role: Studies that aim to maintain and improve social and individual health and to provide better care are the research role of nursing Professional role: The nurse undertakes all professional roles and responsibilities in the direction of professional role. At the same time, nurse participate nursing position, independence; status, prestige and authority, gain power, social and legal activities. Role of coordination and advocacy: The nurse fulfills the role of coordinator, providing accurate communication and cooperation between the patient / healthy individual and the family and the health care delivery team. At the same time, he advocates patient rights. The role of guidance and counseling: guiding the individual and the community by making health-promoting changes in health-related issues. Among contemporary roles is to provide and maintain a deciding position within a good economist, psychologist and team. Responsibilities of the Nurse: The need for nursing is universal. Respect for human life, dignity and rights are included in the concept of nursing. The nurse offers services to the individual, family and society without regard to nationality, race, religion, color, age, gender, political or social situation. A nurse’s ability to assume responsibility is a bachelor’s degree that allows him to perform his or her service. Thus, it is the responsibility of the nurse to explain the professional actions and behaviors and the rights and duties to take responsibility for these actions. In order to win the professional authority of the nursing profession, formal education which provides high level knowledge, skills and behavior and continuous education supporting it is necessary. The Nurse is responsible to the patient / healthy individual and the collective, the employer, the nation, colleagues, professional associations / associations, treatment and diagnostic functions and other health-care team members. The nurse is responsible to the patient / healthy individual, community, employer, colleagues, professional organizations, other health care team members in the treatment and diagnosis functions.
The Health System includes health care, medical treatment, rehabilitation and all support services. The health team; aims to provide an effective and qualified service delivery to individuals and communities in the case of health or disease created by systematic and planned cooperation of health discipline members with duty, responsibility, authority and different roles. Modern health conception and changes caused by social conditions have led to the growth and expansion of the concept of nursing care, the increase in independence in complex technical skills and the orientation towards new roles Social and scientific movements that affect every aspect of life have led to new insights into nursing services. These; the maintenance function is not only a patient, but also a healthy individual and family. Nursing care focuses on social roles such as counseling, educator, guidance, etc., which will improve the health and preventive rather than the disease. Modern nursing services anticipate holistic care, which is not limited to physical care, but deals with all aspects of the person. This wide range of care has opened up new roles, responsibilities and areas for the nurse. As well as being in all health disciplines, the nurse presents health care as dependent, semi-dependent, independent roles. However, these roles and functions may be confused from time to time as they are not expressly covered by the health service. The share and contribution of the professional nurse in the health care system is great. This contribution is provided by the functions of the behaviors specified as nursing roles and by the methods that perform these functions. The nurse carries out roles in health care as practitioners, administrators, educators, researchers and professionals. The independent roles of the nurse arise in functions that are directly related to advocacy of care, education, research and patient rights. As a change agent, the nurse creates appropriate changes to the needs of the healthy / sick person in relation to their health and acquires new health behaviors Practitioner role: The nurse decides on health care with a holistic approach to the needs of the individual and his / her family, plans, implements and evaluates the result of care. The nurse practitioner role must have the qualification to be an assertive in the rights to provide autonomy, authority, and power, professional and personal, integrity in order to increase the share of participation in the health care system. The role of the practitioner of the nurse, especially intensive care, neonatal units, etc. it requires advanced expertise in specific areas. Administrator role: The nurse plays a role of manager in all health related institutions Educational role: The first role of the nurses here is to raise a professional member. The second role is to provide individuals and communities with healthcare and developmental information and behavior in a planned manner in accordance with their needs Research role: Studies that aim to maintain and improve social and individual health and to provide better care are the research role of nursing Professional role: The nurse undertakes all professional roles and responsibilities in the direction of professional role. At the same time, nurse participate nursing position, independence; status, prestige and authority, gain power, social and legal activities. Role of coordination and advocacy: The nurse fulfills the role of coordinator, providing accurate communication and cooperation between the patient / healthy individual and the family and the health care delivery team. At the same time, he advocates patient rights. The role of guidance and counseling: guiding the individual and the community by making health-promoting changes in health-related issues. Among contemporary roles is to provide and maintain a deciding position within a good economist, psychologist and team. Responsibilities of the Nurse: The need for nursing is universal. Respect for human life, dignity and rights are included in the concept of nursing. The nurse offers services to the individual, family and society without regard to nationality, race, religion, color, age, gender, political or social situation. A nurse’s ability to assume responsibility is a bachelor’s degree that allows him to perform his or her service. Thus, it is the responsibility of the nurse to explain the professional actions and behaviors and the rights and duties to take responsibility for these actions. In order to win the professional authority of the nursing profession, formal education which provides high level knowledge, skills and behavior and continuous education supporting it is necessary. The Nurse is responsible to the patient / healthy individual and the collective, the employer, the nation, colleagues, professional associations / associations, treatment and diagnostic functions and other health-care team members. The nurse is responsible to the patient / healthy individual, community, employer, colleagues, professional organizations, other health care team members in the treatment and diagnosis functions.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Maltepe Üniversitesi Uluslararası Öğrenci Kongresi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Olgun, N. (2019). Multidisipliner ekip içinde hemşirenin rolü / The role of a nurse in a multidisciplinary team. Maltepe Üniversitesi Uluslararası Öğrenci Kongresi. s. 16-19.