The effects of the lessons plans prepared on the multıple intellıgence approach to mathematical achivement

dc.contributor.authorÖzdemir, Ahmet Şükrü
dc.contributor.authorDurmuş, Fatmagül
dc.departmentFakülteler, İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Matematik Bölümüen_US
dc.description.abstractThe acceptance of the multiple intelligence approach to mathematics teaching by today’s mathematics teachers is a positive step for those who are in search of new approaches towards the teaching of mathematics. In the present study, the main aim is to investigate the effects of the lessons plans prepared based on the multiple intelligences approach. The study uses a pretest-posttest design. The pretest scores were used to verify that the levels of knowledge of the two groups of students are equal prior to the intervention. At the end of the intervention a post test was delivered to both groups whose content covered all the subjects that were taught during this period. Other data collection instruments are: multiple intelligences inventory, mathematics achievement tests, personal information inventory and mathematics attitude inventory. The experimental group received teaching based on the lesson plans based on the multiple intelligence approach and the control group was taught with the traditional method by their own teachers. Data were analyzed using the SPSS 10.00 computer software. The correlation in between mathematics achievement and attitude towards mathematics was investigated. Multiple regression results of achievement -attitude were also investigated. The findings indicate that in the experimental group there is an increase in the achievement levels and there is a significant positive improvement in their retention levels and attitudes towards mathematics.en_US
dc.identifier.citationÖzdemir, A. Ş. ve Durmuş, F. (2009). The effects of the lessons plans prepared on the multıple intellıgence approach to mathematical achivement. Maltepe Üniversitesi. s. 73.en_US
dc.publisherMaltepe Üniversitesien_US
dc.relation.ispartofInternational Conference of Mathematical Sciencesen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryUluslararası Konferans Öğesi - Başka Kurum Yazarıen_US
dc.rightsCC0 1.0 Universal*
dc.titleThe effects of the lessons plans prepared on the multıple intellıgence approach to mathematical achivementen_US
dc.typeConference Object
