1933-1950 yılları arasında Türkiye’ye gelen Alman iktisatçılar: Gerhard Kessler’in Türkiye’de sosyal politikaların gelişimine katkıları
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Maltepe Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Ulu Önder Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK tarafından, 1923 yılında cumhuriyetin ilan edilmesiyle beraber, genç Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin modernleşmesi ve batılı anlamda çağdaş medeniyetler seviyesine ulaşabilmesi için bir çok alanda reform çalışmalarına başlanmıştır. Bu alanda gerçekleştirilen reform çalışmalarından en önemlilerinden biri de, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu döneminden devralınarak cumhuriyetin ilk 10 yılında varlığını sürdüren ancak, yapılan tüm yenileme çalışmalarına rağmen çağdaş eğitim seviyesinin gereksinimlerini karşılayamayan İstanbul Darülfünunu’nun, genç Türkiye Cumhuriyeti henüz 10 yaşındayken kapatılarak yerine İstanbul Üniversitesi’nin o dönemde Türkiye’nin ilk ve tek üniversitesi olarak kurulmasıyla gerçekleştirilen 1933 Üniversite Reformu’dur. Aynı yıl, Almanya’da Adolf Hitler ve hükümetinin faşist baskıları neticesinde, gerek ırksal gerekse siyasi nedenlerden ötürü bir çok bilim insanı ülkelerini terk etmek zorunda bırakılarak farklı ülkelere göç etmek zorunda bırakılmışlar, bu durum ise, Almanya’da büyük bir beyin göçünün yaşanmasına sebep olmuştur. Genç Türkiye Cumhuriyeti hükümeti ise, Atatürk’ün başlatmış olduğu reform girişimleri sayesinde Almanya’da yaşanan bu göçü ülkemiz lehine çevirerek bu bilim insanlarından bir çoğunu Türkiye’ye davet etmiş ve onlara yeni kurulan üniversitenin kapılarını açarak, kendilerine burada hem yaşama hem de bilimsel çalışmalarını özgür ve güvenli bir ortamda sürdürebilme imkanı sağlamıştır. Hazırlanan bu çalışmanın kapsamı dahilinde, o dönemde bir çok alanda ülkemizde ve İstanbul Üniversitesi’nde görev almış olan yabancı bilim insanlarından İstanbul Üniversitesi İktisat Fakültesi’nin kuruluşunda görev almış olan iktisat bilim insanlarının yaşam öyküleri, çalışmaları ve eserlerine yer verilecek olup, bu bilim insanlarından Ord. Prof. Dr. Gerhard Kessler’in (1883-1963), Türkiye’de bulunduğu yıllar içinde, ülkemizde sosyal politikaların gelişimi açısından yapmış olduğu çalışmalar ve katkılar ele alınarak incelenecektir.
With the proclamation of the Republic in 1923 by the Great Leader Mustafa Kemal ATATURK, reform actions were launched in various areas in order to modernize the young Republic of Turkey and to carry it to the level of modern civilizations in western terms. One of the most important reform actions taken in this field was the 1933 University Reform which took place with the establishment of the first and single university of Turkey in that period with Istanbul University which was opened upon closure of Istanbul Darulfunun (House of Science) when young Turkish Republic was 10 years old as it failed to meet the requirements of modern education despite all renewal works that have been carried out after completing the first 10 years following its take over by the Republic from Ottoman Period. In the same year, many scientists were forced to leave their countries in Germany due to the fascists pressure of Adolf Hitler and his government or to other racial and political reasons and had to migrate to different countries. This situation caused a great brain drain in Germany. The young Republic of Turkey, on the other hand, turned this migration experienced in Germany into the favor of our company as a result of the initiatives taken by Ataturk, who invited most of these scientists to Turkey, opening the doors of the newly established university, and they were provided with the opportunity to freely and safely life here and carry out their scientific activities. Within the scope of this study prepared, the life stories, studies and works of economists who worked in our country and in Istanbul University in that period and in particular those who took part in the Economics Faculty of Istanbul University will be studied and among these people, the studies and contributions of Ord. Prof. Dr. Gerhard Kessler (1883-1963) which he had provided from the point of development of social policies in our country during his year in Turkey, will be analyzed.
With the proclamation of the Republic in 1923 by the Great Leader Mustafa Kemal ATATURK, reform actions were launched in various areas in order to modernize the young Republic of Turkey and to carry it to the level of modern civilizations in western terms. One of the most important reform actions taken in this field was the 1933 University Reform which took place with the establishment of the first and single university of Turkey in that period with Istanbul University which was opened upon closure of Istanbul Darulfunun (House of Science) when young Turkish Republic was 10 years old as it failed to meet the requirements of modern education despite all renewal works that have been carried out after completing the first 10 years following its take over by the Republic from Ottoman Period. In the same year, many scientists were forced to leave their countries in Germany due to the fascists pressure of Adolf Hitler and his government or to other racial and political reasons and had to migrate to different countries. This situation caused a great brain drain in Germany. The young Republic of Turkey, on the other hand, turned this migration experienced in Germany into the favor of our company as a result of the initiatives taken by Ataturk, who invited most of these scientists to Turkey, opening the doors of the newly established university, and they were provided with the opportunity to freely and safely life here and carry out their scientific activities. Within the scope of this study prepared, the life stories, studies and works of economists who worked in our country and in Istanbul University in that period and in particular those who took part in the Economics Faculty of Istanbul University will be studied and among these people, the studies and contributions of Ord. Prof. Dr. Gerhard Kessler (1883-1963) which he had provided from the point of development of social policies in our country during his year in Turkey, will be analyzed.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Darülfünun, Üniversite Reformu, İstanbul Üniversitesi, Göçmen Bilim İnsanları, Gerhard Kessler, Sosyal Politika, Darulfunun (House of Science), University Reform, Istanbul University, Immigrant Scientists, Gerhard Kessler, Social Policy
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Arslan, P. ( 2019). 1933-1950 yılları arasında Türkiye’ye gelen Alman iktisatçılar: Gerhard Kessler’in Türkiye’de sosyal politikaların gelişimine katkıları / German economists who came to Turkey in between the years of 1933-1950: Gerhard Kessler’s contribution to the development of social policies in Turkey (Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Maltepe Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İstanbul.