İntestinal atrezili olgularda klinik deneyimimiz / Our clinical experience in intestinal atresia patients
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Maltepe Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
CC0 1.0 Universal
Intestinal atrezi; nadir görülen ve cerrahi müdahale gerektiren bir konjenital malformasyondur. Bu çalışmada amacımız, bu ciddi konjenital anomalinin tedavisi konusunda kliniğimizin deneyim ve sonuçlarını paylaşmaktır. Bu amaçla; Temmuz 2006 ile Temmuz 2011 tarihleri arasında kliniğimizde tedavisi ve takibi yapılan 75 intestinal atrezili hasta incelendi. Bu hastalar; cinsiyetleri, ekanomalileri, antenatal takipleri, ameliyat öncesi takipleri, uygulanan ameliyat prosedürü, postoperatif takipleri ve komplikasyonları açısından değerlendirildi. Bu hastaların 35’i (%47) erkek, 40’i (%53) kızdı. Olguların çoğunun (%60) antenatal tanısı yoktu. Ortalama doğum ağırlıkları 2520 gramdı (900- 4100 gr). Kliniğimize ortalama geliş süreleri 118 saatti (5 saat-40 gün). Başvuru anında, hastaların (%50)’si septikti. Bu bebeklerin çoğunda (%66) ek anomali mevcuttu. Hastalar uygun olan en kısa sürede ameliyat edildi. Sonuç olarak erken tanı çok önemlidir. Standart bir cerrahi ve takip uygulamak yerine; hastaya en uygun girişimleri uygulamak gerekir. Klinik tecrübe ve yeterli yoğun bakım koşulları mortaliteyi azaltır. Komplikasyonların, ilerlemeden önce tespit edilmesi ve gerekli müdahalenin yapılması gerekir.
Intestinal atresia is a rare congenital malformation that requires surgical intervention. Aim of this study, the results of this experience and share our clinic for the treatment of severe congenital anomalies. To this end, the treatment in our clinic between July 2006 and July 2011 and followedup 75 patients with intestinal atresia were examined. These patients, gender, ekanomalileri, antenatal surveillance, pre-operative follow-up, operation procedure, and complications were evaluated for postoperative follow-up. 33 of these patients (44%) were male and 42 (56%) were female. Most of the cases (60%) had no antenatal diagnosis. The average birth weight of 2520 g. (900-4100 g). Average of 118 hours in our clinic arrival times (5 hours-40 days). Admission, the patients (50%) percent with sepsis. Most of these infants (66%) had additional anomalies. The patients were operated on as soon as appropriate. After surgery, patients were followed up for the baby in intensive care, and experienced personnel. Early diagnosis is very important. Patients should be operated as soon as appropriate. Instead of applying a standard surgical and follow-up, the patient should apply the most appropriate initiatives. Complications, and appropriate intervention should be determined before proceeding.
Intestinal atresia is a rare congenital malformation that requires surgical intervention. Aim of this study, the results of this experience and share our clinic for the treatment of severe congenital anomalies. To this end, the treatment in our clinic between July 2006 and July 2011 and followedup 75 patients with intestinal atresia were examined. These patients, gender, ekanomalileri, antenatal surveillance, pre-operative follow-up, operation procedure, and complications were evaluated for postoperative follow-up. 33 of these patients (44%) were male and 42 (56%) were female. Most of the cases (60%) had no antenatal diagnosis. The average birth weight of 2520 g. (900-4100 g). Average of 118 hours in our clinic arrival times (5 hours-40 days). Admission, the patients (50%) percent with sepsis. Most of these infants (66%) had additional anomalies. The patients were operated on as soon as appropriate. After surgery, patients were followed up for the baby in intensive care, and experienced personnel. Early diagnosis is very important. Patients should be operated as soon as appropriate. Instead of applying a standard surgical and follow-up, the patient should apply the most appropriate initiatives. Complications, and appropriate intervention should be determined before proceeding.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Yenidoğan, intestinal atrezi, cerrahi tedavi, klinik takip, komplikasyonlar, Newborn, intestinal atresia, surgical treatment, clinical follow-up, complications
Maltepe Tıp Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Arayıcı, Y., Yalçın, Ö. ve Otçu, S. (2019). İntestinal atrezili olgularda klinik deneyimimiz / Our clinical experience in intestinal atresia patients. Maltepe Tıp Dergisi. 11(1), s. 10-13.