Yeni medya çağı'nda suskunluk sarmalı: Twitter örneği
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Maltepe Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
CC0 1.0 Universal
Kitle iletişim araçları hızlı bir gelişme göstererek bireyleri ve toplumları yeni bir bakış açısı ve tartışmanın içerisine çekmiş, iletişim ve enformasyon teknolojilerinin hızla gelişmesi ve gündelik yaşama müdahalesi ile de adeta hayatın ta kendisi haline evrilmiştir. Yeni medya olarak tanımlanan bu büyük dönüşüm, bireylerin hayatlarına dokundukça, kitle iletişim araçlarının klasik olarak adlandırılan araçları bireylerin dimağlarında ikincil unsurlar olarak anımsanır hale gelmiştir. Bu bir anlamda hem büyük bir dönüşümün göstergesi olurken, hem de yeni bir yaşam anlayışının ortaya çıkışını da müjdelemiştir, denilebilir. Geleneksel medyanın, toplumu oluşturan bireylerin kendilerini ifade ve temsillerinde yarattığı büyük ayrım ve bunun sonucunda oluşan sorunsal, toplumun bir kısmının sesi olmayı becerirken, toplumun diğer yanının da bir 'sessizlik rutininde' boğulmasına yol açmaktadır. Bu da göstermektedir ki, kendi fikrine yakın görüşlerin toplum içerisinde yaygınlık kazandığına ikna olan insanlar, kendi düşüncelerini daha yüksek sesle duyurmaya ve örgütlemeye başlamaktadırlar. Tersi bir duruma angaje olan bireyler ise, gittikçe suskunlaşacak ve bu suskunluklarına korkuları, psikolojik duyarlılıkları ve de kamusal dışlanma kaygısı eşlik etmeye başlayacaktır. Bunun sonucu ise suskunlaşmanın bir sarmal haline dönüşmesidir. Bu anlamda yüksek sesle dillendirilmeye başlanan görüşler kamuoyunun oluşumunu üstlenir ve kamuoyu, Noelle-Neumann'ın da altını çizdiği gibi 'kamu önünde açıklanan kanaatler ya da dışlanmaktan korkan bireyin açıklamak zorunda kaldığı kanaatler' olarak cisimleşir. Bu bağlamda araştırmamın amacı, geleneksel medya içerisinde suskunlaşan ve dışlanma korkusu yaşayan bireyler ile fikirlerini daha rahat ifade etmeye başlayan toplam arasındaki sınırların incelenmesi ve suskunlaşan toplamın çağımızın en önemli fenomeni haline dönüşen sosyal medya içerisinde ne tür bir manevra gösterdiğinin etüt edilmesidir. Genel çerçevemiz ise insanların suskunluklarının, yalıtılmış davranış ve eğilimlerinin yeni medya ortamında izlenmesi ve bunun Suskunluk Sarmalı kuramı merkeze alınarak tahlil edilmesidir. Bu çalışma, Suskunluk Sarmalı Kuramı temelinde sosyal medya uygulamalarından Twitter'ı analiz etmektedir. Bu bağlamda sosyal medyanın gücü, hızı, etkisi ve bunun toplum ve gündem üzerindeki yansımaları dört farklı alternatif sosyal medya hesabı verileri analiz edilerek ortaya konulmuştur.
The means of mass communication have developed so rapidly that they led individuals and the society to a new point of view and new discussions. They have become not only a part of the life but they have evolved into the life itself as a result of the radical interference of information and communication technologies in daily life. Since this great change, identified as "the new media", has been touching the individuals' life deeply, some of the means which are named as "cliché" or "stereotype" have become a secondary element in their memories. The big dissimilarity and its problematic outcomes, which the traditional media and its components created on expressions and representations of the individuals of a society, have achieved becoming the voice of some. On the other hand, the remaining part of the society has just downed in a "silence routine" as another result. This shows us people who are persuaded that opinions similar to theirs are spreading out in the society, start voicing up and organising them. However, individuals who are engaged in the contrary situation will become more and more silent and this silence will be accompanied by their fear, psychological sensitivity and the also the concern of getting marginalized from the public sphere. As a result, this silence begins to changing into a "spiral of silence". In this sense, opinions that are voiced up take the responsibility to make the public opinion, and the public opinion, as Noelle- Neumann underlined, is shaped either as the ones that are voiced up publicly or the ones belonging to the individuals afraid of getting marginalized. In this context, the purpose of this research is to investigate the borders between the individuals who are getting silent in traditional media with a concern of getting marginalized and the sum of individuals who start expressing their opinions comfortably. Also, it aims at studying the tactics of the silent individuals in the social media that has become one the most important phenomena of the era. Our main framework is to monitor the people's silence, isolated behaviour and tendencies in the new media and analyse these based on the Spiral of Silence Theory. On the basis of what we have told so far, this study has been conducted by analysing several social media applications among which Twitter is predicated on after conveying institutional details and contents. Speed, power and influence of social media as well as their reflection on the society and the agenda had been studied over the data from four alternative social media accounts.
The means of mass communication have developed so rapidly that they led individuals and the society to a new point of view and new discussions. They have become not only a part of the life but they have evolved into the life itself as a result of the radical interference of information and communication technologies in daily life. Since this great change, identified as "the new media", has been touching the individuals' life deeply, some of the means which are named as "cliché" or "stereotype" have become a secondary element in their memories. The big dissimilarity and its problematic outcomes, which the traditional media and its components created on expressions and representations of the individuals of a society, have achieved becoming the voice of some. On the other hand, the remaining part of the society has just downed in a "silence routine" as another result. This shows us people who are persuaded that opinions similar to theirs are spreading out in the society, start voicing up and organising them. However, individuals who are engaged in the contrary situation will become more and more silent and this silence will be accompanied by their fear, psychological sensitivity and the also the concern of getting marginalized from the public sphere. As a result, this silence begins to changing into a "spiral of silence". In this sense, opinions that are voiced up take the responsibility to make the public opinion, and the public opinion, as Noelle- Neumann underlined, is shaped either as the ones that are voiced up publicly or the ones belonging to the individuals afraid of getting marginalized. In this context, the purpose of this research is to investigate the borders between the individuals who are getting silent in traditional media with a concern of getting marginalized and the sum of individuals who start expressing their opinions comfortably. Also, it aims at studying the tactics of the silent individuals in the social media that has become one the most important phenomena of the era. Our main framework is to monitor the people's silence, isolated behaviour and tendencies in the new media and analyse these based on the Spiral of Silence Theory. On the basis of what we have told so far, this study has been conducted by analysing several social media applications among which Twitter is predicated on after conveying institutional details and contents. Speed, power and influence of social media as well as their reflection on the society and the agenda had been studied over the data from four alternative social media accounts.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Suskunluk Sarmalı Kuramı, Kamuoyu, Yeni Medya, Sosyal Medya, New Media, Social Media, Public opinion, The Spiral of Silence Theory
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Aykurt, İ. S. (2017). Yeni medya çağı'nda suskunluk sarmalı: Twitter örneği / In the new media age spiral of silence: Example of Twitter (Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Maltepe Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İstanbul.