"Yolcu" filmi bağlamında sinemada "yol" ve "yolcu"
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Maltepe Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
CC0 1.0 Universal
Metafor kullanmak, ifade edilenin akılda kalıcı olmasını sağlar. Metaforlar ne kadar akılda kalır ve ne kadar hislere hitap edici olursa, o kadar etkili olur. Felsefe tarihi içerisinde, felsefeyi bulanık, manasız, belirsiz ve de karanlık söylemlerden kurtararak, açık ve de ne so?yledig?i anlas?ılan yapıcı bir yo?ntem ile ortaya koyabilmek amacıyla metaforik ifadeler kullanılmıştır. Bir kavramı başka bir kavrama göre anlamlandırmak, kavramları daha vurgulayıcı olarak ifade etmek, gündelik hayata anlam verebilmek metafor sayesinde gerçekleşmektedir. Avrupa’da, “yol ve yolculuk” temasının üstüne birden fazla teorik söylem oluşturulmuştur. Du?s?u?nce tarihimiz boyunca bir “ko?k metafor” olarak görülen “yolda olmak” olgusu, gerçeği bilmek amacıyla arayarak ve c?aba göstererek yolda olmaktır. Kişinin kendisine ve dışarıya yapmış olduğu seyahatler Türk ve Dünya edebiyatının başlıca temalarından birisidir. “Sinema”, hem görüntü hem de diyaloglarda olsun, metaforun en fazla kullanılmış oldug?u kitle iletis?im araçlarından biri olarak görülmektedir. Yol, bireyin kendinisini özgür sayabileceği biricik mekandır. Bu anlamda ‘‘Yol ve yolculuk’’ teması özgürlük vurgusu bağlamında Türk ve Dünya sinemasında da sık sık kullanılmıştır. Bazı yolculuk kahramanlarının da daha derin, daha felsesi arayışları bulunmaktadır. Teknolojinin oldukça hızlı olan gelişimi yaşamımızda pek çok yeniliği de beraberinde getirmektedir. Ancak bu yenilikler bireyin varolan özgürlüğünü ne derece etkilemektedir? Kaybolmaktan korkmalı mıdır insan? Yoksa her kaybolma bir yeni keşif midir?
Using metaphor ensures the expression to be memorable. The more metaphors remain in mind and the more emotive they are, the more effective they are. In the history of philosophy, metaphorical expressions are used in order to save the philosophy from blurry, pointless, uncertain and dark discourses and reveal the philosophy by using a constructive method that is clearer from what it says. To make sense of one concept according to another concept, to express concepts as more emphasizing, to make sense of daily life is realized through metaphor. In Europe more than one theoretical discourse has been created on the theme of “Way and Journey”. The concept of “being on the way” which is seen as a root metaphor throughout our history of thought is to be on the way in pursuit of truth, to be in search and effort in order to know the truth. One of the main themes of Turkish and world literature is the journeys that the person makes to his own and to the outside. The Cinema film is seen as one of the mass media, in which metaphors have been used, both in images and dialogues. In this sense, the theme of “Way and journey” is frequently used in Turkish and World cinema in terms of the emphasis on freedom. Some of the journey heroes have a deeper, more philosophical search. The rapid development of technology brings many innovations in our lives. But to what extent do these innovations affect the individual's existing freedom? Should we be afraid of being lost? Or is every disappearance a discovery?
Using metaphor ensures the expression to be memorable. The more metaphors remain in mind and the more emotive they are, the more effective they are. In the history of philosophy, metaphorical expressions are used in order to save the philosophy from blurry, pointless, uncertain and dark discourses and reveal the philosophy by using a constructive method that is clearer from what it says. To make sense of one concept according to another concept, to express concepts as more emphasizing, to make sense of daily life is realized through metaphor. In Europe more than one theoretical discourse has been created on the theme of “Way and Journey”. The concept of “being on the way” which is seen as a root metaphor throughout our history of thought is to be on the way in pursuit of truth, to be in search and effort in order to know the truth. One of the main themes of Turkish and world literature is the journeys that the person makes to his own and to the outside. The Cinema film is seen as one of the mass media, in which metaphors have been used, both in images and dialogues. In this sense, the theme of “Way and journey” is frequently used in Turkish and World cinema in terms of the emphasis on freedom. Some of the journey heroes have a deeper, more philosophical search. The rapid development of technology brings many innovations in our lives. But to what extent do these innovations affect the individual's existing freedom? Should we be afraid of being lost? Or is every disappearance a discovery?
Anahtar Kelimeler
metafor, sinema, yolcu, metaphor, cinema, traveller
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Aslan, Hayal