İdari yargıda hâkimin takdir yetkisi
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Maltepe Üniversitesi
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İdari Yargıda Hâkimin Takdir Yetkisi” başlıklı bu makalede, yargısal takdirin, idarenin takdiriyle paralellik gösterdiği saptanmaya çalışılmıştır. Hâkimin takdir yetkisi ile idarenin takdir yetkisinin her ikisi de, gerek açık olarak ve gerekse dolaylı olarak kanunun açıkça izin verdiği hallerde kullanılabilir ve yetkilerin kullanılması soyut ve sebepsiz olmayıp belli bir gerekçeye dayanmalıdır. İdarenin takdir yetkisinin hukuka uygun olarak kullanılıp kullanılmadığını, idari yargı yerlerinin denetlemeleri gerekir. Bu denetleme, idarecinin yapabileceği key davranışlara karşı idare edilenleri ve kamu yararını koruyacak ve idareciyi hukuka uygun davranmasını sağlayacaktır.Takdir yetkisi sınırsız değildir. Bu nedenle idare takdir yetkisini kullanırken, key biçimde davranamaz. Ayrıca idare, gerekli inceleme ve araştırmaları yapıp bunları somut kanıtlarla destekledikten sonra takdir yetkisini kullanmalıdır. Takdir yetkisinin olduğu herhangi bir durumda bile idare haklı gerekçe göstermek zorundadır.Takdir yetkisinin anayasanın eşitlik ilkesi çerçevesinde kullanılıp kullanılmadığının yargı yerlerince denetlenmesi, hukuk devletinin ana niteliklerinden biridir. Bununla birlikte hâkimin takdir yetkisini sınırlayan hususlardan birisi de, sahip olduğu takdir yetkisine dayanarak, mevcut hukukî kuralların ve kanunların sınırlarını aşamamasıdır.
This study which is titled as “The Judicial Discretion of the Judge in the Administrative Justice” is tried to determine the parallelism between judicial discretion and the discretion of the administration. Judicial discretion of the judge and the discretion of the administration which can be used either obvious or indirect with the clear permission of the law should both need to be based on a certain reason.The use of discretion power which belongs to the administration should be reviewed in accordance with the law by the administrative jurisdiction. This judicial review can not only protect the governed people and the public interest against from the governor’s arbitrary behaviours but also can ensure the governor acting in accordance to law.The judicial discretion is not absolute. For this reason, the administration can not act in an arbitrary manner while using the discretion power. Furthermore the administration should make essential analysis and researches with the support of the concrete evidence before using the judicial discretion. Even if the administration has judicial discretion in any subject, it must submit a valid ground.One of the major qualications of the state of law is the revision which is with regard the exercise of the judicial discretion used in accordance to the constitutional principle of equality by the administrative jurisdiction. In addition to this, one of the issues which limit judicial discretion of the judge is that with the power of the judicial discretion, the judge can not exceed the limit of the current legal regulations and laws.
This study which is titled as “The Judicial Discretion of the Judge in the Administrative Justice” is tried to determine the parallelism between judicial discretion and the discretion of the administration. Judicial discretion of the judge and the discretion of the administration which can be used either obvious or indirect with the clear permission of the law should both need to be based on a certain reason.The use of discretion power which belongs to the administration should be reviewed in accordance with the law by the administrative jurisdiction. This judicial review can not only protect the governed people and the public interest against from the governor’s arbitrary behaviours but also can ensure the governor acting in accordance to law.The judicial discretion is not absolute. For this reason, the administration can not act in an arbitrary manner while using the discretion power. Furthermore the administration should make essential analysis and researches with the support of the concrete evidence before using the judicial discretion. Even if the administration has judicial discretion in any subject, it must submit a valid ground.One of the major qualications of the state of law is the revision which is with regard the exercise of the judicial discretion used in accordance to the constitutional principle of equality by the administrative jurisdiction. In addition to this, one of the issues which limit judicial discretion of the judge is that with the power of the judicial discretion, the judge can not exceed the limit of the current legal regulations and laws.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Takdir Yetkisi, Hakkaniyet, Hukuk Devleti, Ölçülülük İlkesi, Kendiliğinden Araştırma İlkesi, Judicial Discretion, Equity, Principle of Proportionality, Principle of Ex Ocio Examination
Maltepe Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Diçkol, H. A. (2012). İdari yargıda hâkimin takdir yetkisi. Maltepe Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi. 2(2), s. 57-85.