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Yayın Designing a PI controller for Cuk converter using converter dynamics toolbox for MATLAB(Institute of Advanced Science Extension, 2017) Abut, Nurettin; Akça, ÜzeyirThis paper dedicated to study indirect control of Cuk converter. Cuk converter has a 4th order non minimum phase transfer function. Extraction of converter’s dynamical equation is not an easy task with pencil-and-paper analysis. Converter’s dynamical equations are obtained using “Kocaeli university’s converter dynamics toolbox for MATLAB® “developed in Kocaeli university’s power electronics research group. Presence of Right Half Plane (RHP) zeros force us to use two feedback loops. Controllers are designed for this two loops using MATLAB’s control system toolbox. Close loop system is tested in Simulink® environment. Simulation results showed the performance of designed controller.Yayın Development of a power electronics converter dynamics toolbox for MATLAB(Institute of Advanced Science Extension, 2017) Abut, Nurettin; Akça, ÜzeyirProviding the required load’s power using Switch Mode Power Supplies (SMPS), leads to smaller and more efficient converters. Correct operation of a SMPS needs some form of control. Applying the well-known controller design techniques like root locus and Bode needs a dynamical model for system under control. Power electronics converters are dynamical variable structure systems. Extraction of small signal dynamical equations by hand is cumbersome, time consuming and error prone. Development a software to automate the small signal model extraction process of power electronics converters is the aim of this paper. Parameter’s change and uncertainty’s effects on overall system performance can be studied easily using this software. Multi graph property of developed software, allow drawing results of different simulations on the same graph. This makes comparison possible. Available commercial softwares cannot calculate the algebraic transfer functions while developed software can do this job. Contact correspondence author to receive the software.Yayın Dynamics and control of a novel buck-boost converter with low stresses on switches and diodes(Institute of Advanced Science Extension, 2017) Abut, Nurettin; Kandilli, İsmetThis paper studies dynamics and control of a converter with advantages like: High step down gain, common ground between input and output terminal, positive output voltage and low voltage stress on switches and diodes. However, gate drive circuitry is more complex due to floatation of MOSFET sources. Converter’s small signal model is extracted using State Space Averaging (SSA). A controller is designed for the obtained model using MATLAB® control system toolbox. This paper shows that control of converter can be done using a simple I- type controller. This is another advantage for studied topology.Yayın Hybrid spiral stc-hedge algebras model in knowledge reasonings for robot coverage path planning and its applications(Molecular Diversity Preservation International, 2019) Van Pham, Hai; Abut, Nurettin; Kandilli, İsmetRobotics is a highly developed field in industry, and there is a large research effort in terms of humanoid robotics, including the development of multi-functional empathetic robots as human companions. An important function of a robot is to find an optimal coverage path planning, with obstacle avoidance in dynamic environments for cleaning and monitoring robotics. This paper proposes a novel approach to enable robotic path planning. The proposed approach combines robot reasoning with knowledge reasoning techniques, hedge algebra, and the Spiral Spanning Tree Coverage (STC) algorithm, for a cleaning and monitoring robot with optimal decisions. This approach is used to apply knowledge inference and hedge algebra with the Spiral STC algorithm to enable autonomous robot control in the optimal coverage path planning, with minimum obstacle avoidance. The results of experiments show that the proposed approach in the optimal robot path planning avoids tangible and intangible obstacles for the monitoring and cleaning robot. Experimental results are compared with current methods under the same conditions. The proposed model using knowledge reasoning techniques in the optimal coverage path performs better than the conventional algorithms in terms of high robot coverage and low repetition rates. Experiments are done with real robots for cleaning in dynamic environments.Yayın ITAE criterion based controller for buck converter(Institute of Advanced Science Extension, 2017) Abut, NurettinDC-DC converters are an important class of power converters. Output voltage is subject of change due to various factors such as converter input voltage change, load change and losses in circuit elements. In order to obtain a constant output voltage, a controller must be added to the converter. In this paper, problem of designing controller for Buck converter in presence of circuit none idealities such as: switch resistance, inductor and capacitor series resistance, diode voltage drop and load current variations is solved. To do this, using State Space Averaging (SSA), small signal model of converter is obtained. In the next step, a controller is designed based on Integral of Time multiplied by Absolute Error (ITAE) performance index. Controller performance is tested with the aid of simulation for different scenarios.Yayın Joy of controller design: Controller design based on Kocaeli university’s converter dynamics toolbox for MATLAB(Institute of Advanced Science Extension, 2017) Abut, Nurettin; Kandilli, İsmetIn this paper, first software is developed to extract dynamical model of famous dc-dc converters because at the time of this writing there is no software to obtain the converter’s dynamical equation analytically. Using commercial softwares like MATLAB®, only graphical frequency response of system can be obtained. Software developed here can give both analytic equation and graphical frequency response of system. Based on the dynamical equation given by software problem of controller design for two converters is studied as example. Designed controller is tested via Simulation. Authors used the developed software to train control engineering concepts to electrical engineering students. It is seen that using a power electronics converter as plant, increase electrical engineering students interest to learn control engineering concepts. Beside the educational use, developed software can be used to design controller for industrial converters.Yayın Kharitonov’s theorem: A good starting point for robust control(Sage Journals, 2019) Abut, NurettinAdvanced robust controller design methods such as: H?, ? synthesis, or linear matrix inequality require advanced mathematics which makes these techniques difficult topics for final year projects. A robust controller (for plants with parametric uncertainty) can be designed with the aid of Kharitonov’s theorem, which has simpler mathematical machinery. This paper studies the robust control of DC–DC converters with the aid of Kharitonov’s theorem. It presents a tutorial exposition of robust controller design based on Kharitonov’s theorem. Kharitonov’s theorem provides a good starting point for BSc students who wish to continue their future studies in robust control.Yayın Kharitonov’s theorem: A good starting point for robust control(Sage Journals, 2021) Abut, NurettinAdvanced robust controller design methods such as: H1, l synthesis, or linear matrix inequality require advanced mathematics which makes these techniques difficult topics for final year projects. A robust controller (for plants with parametric uncertainty) can be designed with the aid of Kharitonov’s theorem, which has simpler mathematical machinery. This paper studies the robust control of DC–DC converters with the aid of Kharitonov’s theorem. It presents a tutorial exposition of robust controller design based on Kharitonov’s theorem. Kharitonov’s theorem provides a good starting point for BSc students who wish to continue their future studies in robust control.Yayın KUCA: Kocaeli University Converter Analysis simulation software in power electronics(Institute of Advanced Science Extension, 2016) Abut, NurettinThis paper describes how a circuit simulation program can assist in teaching the principles of power electronics to undergraduate students. The authors have used Kocaeli University Converter Analysis suite (KUCA) as an aid to teaching principles of power electronics to undergraduate students in either Iran or Turkey. Using KUCA has increased students ability to comprehend the analysis of main building block of power electronics converter circuits. KUCA comes with a user friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI). Drawing the schematic from scratch is not required at all. Selecting the desired topology from a list is all what needs. KUCA can analyses almost all the topologies required for an undergraduate level power electronics course. Transient response, steady state response and harmonic content of desired signal can be obtained quickly and easily which may be very cumbersome, time consuming and error prone to do with pencil-and-paper analysis.Yayın Linear controller design for a large dc gain converter(Institute of Advanced Science Extension, 2017) Abut, Nurettin; Akça, ÜzeyirEnvironmental friendly energy sources like solar, fuel or wind cells provide low voltage levels. Grids work with higher voltage levels so step up is required before connecting these new energy sources to grid. Conventional boost converter is not able to provide a large DC gain. There are some topologies available in literature which provides required high DC gain. Without a suitable control system, converter’s output may change due to disturbances like: Input voltage’s changes and output load’s changes. This paper designs a controller for one of the recently proposed high DC gain topologies. Converters dynamical equations are extracted using State Space Averaging (SSA). Controller is designed based on the obtained dynamics. Close loop system has been tested in Simulink® environment. Simulation results showed the performance of designed controller.Yayın A novel buck-boost converter(Institute of Advanced Science Extension, 2017) Abut, Nurettin; Kandilli, İsmetIn this paper, a novel buck-boost converter with the voltage gain of 2?1/1? is proposed. Output voltage is positive and the voltage stresses on the power switches and the diodes are low. Suggested topology is based on conventional boost converter. Proposed converter can provide a large step down voltage conversion ratio. Control of converter can be done with a simple I-type (Integrator) controller.Yayın Pole placement based on derivative of states(Institute of Advanced Science Extension, 2016) Abut, NurettinState feedback is one of the important concepts in control theory. There are well defined methods like Ackermann’s formula and Bass-Gura formula to find required gain matrix (K) which place close loop poles at the desired location. Here, instead of states, derivative of states are used in order to find the suitable control law. One of the applications of this type of feedback is vibration suppression of mechanical systems where feedback signal is generally taken from an accelerometer. Effectiveness of the proposed method is shown by simulation.Yayın A simple method for a capacitor’s ESR measurement(Power Electronics, 2017) Abut, NurettinCapacitors are classified according to their dielectric’s type. Electrolytic capacitors are popular in power electronic circuits, due to their high volumetric efficiency and excellent price performance ratio.[1] Unfortunately, their characteristics change with operating frequency, whereas an ideal capacitor’s impedance decreases with frequency. But, in the real world this is not seen in the laboratory. Increasing frequency up to a certain point leads to the expected impedance reduction but increasing frequency causes the impedance to increase, i.e., it acts like a resonance circuit. To model the behavior of an actual capacitor requires the addition of extra elements to the capacitor model. ESR is actually the resistance that a capacitor shows in the border between capacitor-like behavior and inductor-like behavior, i.e., resistance at the resonance frequency.Yayın A simple method for electrical machine’s mechanical parameter extraction(Institute of Advanced Science Extension, 2017) Abut, Nurettin; Kandilli, İsmetElectrical motors are one of the most important key components of industry. While motors can be divided in so many groups, mathematical description of all of them is divided into two subsystems: Electrical and mechanical subsystem. Mechanical subsystem is usually composed of rotor inertia, external load and friction in bearing of rotor. Friction is usually modeled as viscous friction, i.e. linearly dependent on angular speed. Rotor inertia J) and coefficient of viscous friction (B) are needed in order to model mechanical subsystem of motor. When motor is used in high performance close loop motion control systems, an accurate model of motor is required for system analysis and design. This paper suggests a novel method for measuring rotor’s J and B for such applications. There is no restriction on the type of motor under test. Studied method, needs no sensor so no friction is added to motor. Only a digital camera is required. There is no need to open the motor case and remove motor’s rotor in this method. Proposed method has been tested in laboratory and practical results shows effectiveness of suggested method.